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Statement from Nellie Langford Rowell Library

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2020-03-08 22:40:16   作者:贴心姐妹网


"The exhibition “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” provides a snapshot of the ways in which women’s marches in Washington, DC, Toronto, ON, and London, UK, have been pivotal in raising awareness of women’s issues. The placards and banners captured in the photos, along with the poignant statement provided by the artist, remind us that, indeed, not all women have the right to raise their voices in protest. To do so, for some women, could be dangerous or even deadly. It is both what we see, and what—or who—we do not see in the photos that resonates, and fits with the vision of the Nellie Langford Rowell Library, as we strive to acknowledge the voices, and lack thereof, of all women, girls, trans and two-spirit people globally. It is an honour to host this exhibition."

Brenda Blondeau, Coordinator, Nellie Langford Rowell Library, York University.

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