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多伦多的户外学校 High Park Forest School . (Submitted by City of Toronto Archives) 在COVID-19大流行的背景下,越来越多的教育专家呼吁增加在户外提供的课程。 专家们说,加拿大中小学将在秋季全面复课,如何安全地重新开放学校是一大挑战,其实,最简单的一个解决方案就是在可能的天气条件下,在户外上课。 通过阳光和新鲜空气遏制病毒 多伦多病童医院(To ...


My child is in care, Now what?

Children's privacy is at risk with rapid shifts to online schooling under coronavirus

Schools globally have scrambled to adopt or expand use of technology to minimize learning disruptions related to COVID-19. Educational technology has long posed serious privacy and equality problems, and these problems are now reaching a boiling point. Hasty choices now could have long-term impacts. We are part of a se ...

How parents and caregivers can help keep children with autism safe

How parents and caregivers can help keep children with autism safe Kendra Thomson, Brock University Preventable injuries are the leading cause of death for Canadians under the age of 45. Unfortunately, individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are two to three times more likely to experience a preventable inj ...

Are you mentally well enough for college?

Are you mentally well enough for college? Nicholas Joyce, University of South Florida Last spring an 18-year-old college freshman who got straight A’s in high school – but was now failing several courses – came to my office on the campus where I work as a psychologist. The student was seeking a medi ...

How to get preschoolers ready to learn math

How to get preschoolers ready to learn math Erica Zippert, Vanderbilt University and Bethany Rittle-Johnson, Vanderbilt University If you’re a parent of a preschooler, you might be wondering how you can help set your child up for success once they enter kindergarten. By now, you have probably heard of the im ...

Parents can help kids catch up in reading with a 10-minute daily routine

Parents can help kids catch up in reading with a 10-minute daily routine Kindel Turner Nash, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Because I conduct research about reading, parents often ask me the same question: What can I do to help my child become a better reader? I always give them the same advice: Read with ...

Making back to school a snap!

York Region offers tips to make the transition to school easier for parents and students Newmarket– With the last long weekend of summer just days away, The Regional Municipality of York is rejoicing with parents everywhere as students head back to school in September. Along with packing pencils, notebooks and t ...

Stressed out at college? Here are five essential reads on how to take better care of your mental health

Nearly 70% of college students say they are experiencing emotional distress or anxiety related to the pandemic. That’s according to aJanuary 2022 surveythat also found nearly 9 out of every 10 college students believe U.S. colleges and universities are facing a mental health crisis. Below are five articles from the archi ...

Concussions and children returning to school – what parents need to know

Concussions and children returning to school – what parents need to know Susan Davies, University of Dayton Jamal is a 16-year-old boy who sustained a concussion in a skateboarding accident in July. He was diagnosed in the emergency room. Jamal initially had headaches, nausea and sensitivity to light and noise, but he a ...

New abortion laws contribute to sexist environments that harm everyone’s health

Patricia Homan, Florida State University Nine states have passed laws in 2019 alone that restrict abortion at the earliest stages of pregnancy. Those of us who study public health are becoming increasingly concerned about the potential for negative health consequences of these kinds of policies on women. That’s because re ...

7 tips on how to take better notes

7 tips on how to take better notes Kenneth A. Kiewra, University of Nebraska-Lincoln In a graduate-level educational psychology course at Florida State University, my professor didn’t allow students to take notes. He reasoned that taking notes prevented students from reflecting on the lesson. Yet, the professor also t ...

Let's change the 'girls play flute, boys bash drums' stereotypes

Let's change the 'girls play flute, boys bash drums' stereotypes Robbie MacKay,Queen's University, Ontario In 2019, surely we are past the days in music class where boys are shunted to drums and trombone while girls are pushed toward flute and choir? Not necessarily so. Music researchers have consistently fou ...

BC省 Maple Ridge 学校:加拿大在户外上课的唯一公校

7 年 前,在 BC 省的温哥华郊区建立了一所新的公立小学 – 枫树岭(Maple Ridge)环境学校。 这是一所没有建筑物的环境学校,总共有 90 名学生,全部是在露天接受教学。 这是加拿大公立学校系统的一个独特的体验。 这个学校的一天从搭设帐篷开始,以防下雨,学校没有教室,没有特定的教科书,老师对数学、阅读和写作的教学全是在大自然中 ...


BABY CAFÉ Thurs Sept 26 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm Multi-Use Room Meet up with other expectant and new parents in this group for families welcoming babies. Guest speakers guide discussions on pregnancy, postpartum and parenting in a relaxed setting geared toward enhancing your first year with baby. Babes in arms welcome. p.p1 ...
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1. Seizure of Sally Mann’s photographs in Texas revives old debates about obscenity and freedom of expression
2. In asking Trump to show mercy, Bishop Budde continues a long tradition of Christian leaders ‘speaking truth to power’
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