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来源:Grace Hollett   更新:2018-12-07 03:12:33   作者:Grace Hollett

Today we remember. We remember their names; Geneviève Bergeron, 21; Hélène Colgan, 23; Nathalie Croteau, 23; Barbara Daigneault, 22; Anne-Marie Edward, 21; Maud Haviernick, 29; Barbara Klueznick, 31; Maryse Laganière, 25; Maryse Leclair, 23; Anne-Marie Lemay, 22; Sonia Pelletier, 23; Michèle Richard, 21; Anne St-Arneault, 23; and Annie Turcotte, 21. We remember they were studying at  École Polytechnique de Montréal when on December 6, 1989, they were shot and killed because they were women, because they were women students at an engineering school, because as the male who fired the gun said, they were feminists.
Tonight, members of CFUW St. John’s and other members of the St, John’s and area communities will gather at the Engineering Department of Memorial University of Newfoundland to remember those 14 women and to share what actions the many community groups are engaging in to help end gender-based violence.  Across Canada, CFUW Clubs and communities are remembering and are sharing their projects to end the violence, to achieve equal rights, to promote gender equality and pay equity in the workplace.
Earlier today at a CFUW book club, Vicki Hallett, Professor in the Dept. of Gender Studies at Memorial University, will speak on her book “Mistress of the Blue Castle” containing the letters journals, diaries and poems of Phebe Florence Miller. Some of the poetry relates to war; December 6. 1989 too, was a war. With Phebe Miller who began her poem Memory Folded with “We hold you in lasting remembrance”, we at CFUW state that we keep in our memory the women killed in that infamous day of gender violence and pledge renewed effort to work for peace through achieving an end to all forms of gender-based violence and inequality. As a feminist I am proud to be a member of the leadership of this organization!

CFUW National President
FCFDU Présidente nationale

Related link:

Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) 

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