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来源:加广中文   更新:2020-05-05 09:38:15   作者:吴薇

每年五月份是加拿大的亚裔文化月。与往年不同的是,今年的五月正值新冠疫情,有关的庆祝活动、展览和表演全部取消。但是主管多元文化与包容的加拿大内阁部长查格(Bardish Chagger) 仍然在5月1日这一天发表声明,宣布亚裔文化月的开始。





Today marks the start of Asian Heritage Month in Canada, a time to highlight the rich diversity of the Asian diaspora and the extraordinary contributions of Canadians of Asian descent.

The theme for Asian Heritage Month 2020 is Asian Canadians: United in Diversity. It recognizes that, while Asian Canadians can trace their ancestry from more than 20 different countries, with their own unique cultural fabric, they have helped make Canada what it is today in every aspect of society; in the arts, sciences, sports, business, and government.

As Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, I am distressed to see a rise in discriminatory and racist behaviour, including deplorable behaviour against people of Asian descent. We all have a role to play in denouncing discrimination and xenophobia, and stopping the spread of racism, whether online, on our streets, in our homes, or in our workplaces.

While this year will be different, as we won’t be participating in or hosting public events to mark this month, we can all do our part to learn more about the history of Canadians of Asian descent going back as far as the 1700s.

On behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Government of Canada, I encourage everyone to embrace the diversity and compassion that makes our country strong, as we build a better future for all.

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