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华人、亚裔加拿大人和魁省社区成员发表联合声明反对仇恨, 反对法西斯主义

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-02-23 05:50:29   作者:华工网络,魁北克进步华人,亚裔加拿大劳工



特别是,我们对一些加拿大华人最近的示威感到震惊, 他们呼吁总理辞职, 并要向加拿大华人社区道歉,因为他支持加拿大穆斯林社区。引发这些示威活动的起因是,最近的媒体报导称, 一名戴头巾的十一岁女孩在多伦多被一名「亚裔男子」袭击。而多伦多警方后来证实袭击事件并没有发生。

我们非常担心,我们社区内有些人抓住这样的时机,以实现他们的政治目的,而这样做,会更加诋毁和污辱在加拿大的穆斯林 (其中许多人是亚裔)。



不久以前, 与今天的穆斯林加拿大人相似,加拿大华人被认为是社会贱民,标籤为「黄祸」 ,加拿大华人遭受62年的法定种族主义和移民禁令。从华人人头税与排华法中吸取到的教训是,通过针对一群人的立法,政府在更大的社会中为所有人创造了仇恨的气氛。 



Chinese Workers Network (Toronto & York Region Labour Council) 

Progressive Chinese of Québec (PCQ)

Asian Canadian Labour Alliance (ACLA)

Statement against Hate and Fascism

February 20, 2018

Chinese Canadian, Asian Canadian, and Chinese Québec groups are concerned about recent demonstrations by some Chinese Canadians protesting against what they perceive to be anti-Chinese sentiment resulting from the falsely reported attack on an eleven-year-old girl wearing a hijab in Toronto in early January. Such individuals have zeroed in on the girl’s identification of an “Asian man” as the assailant and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s support of her and Muslim Canadians, in general, as evidence of both Trudeau’s and Muslims’ racism against the Chinese community, despite the fact that the “Asian man” was not specifically identified as Chinese, that no motives for the false report have been stated, or that the Prime Minister made no mention of the Chinese community.

We believe that this is a dangerous and unjustifiable road that these particular Chinese Canadians are choosing to go down, as they construe facts from this event in such a way so as to create a controversy where none actually exists. There is a potential for great harm in choosing to adopt such a false perspective, as it can only lead to further stigmatisation of Muslims in Canada (some of whom have Asian origins) and the expansion of Islamophobic ideas.

We would like to remind all members of our own Chinese communities here in Canada and in Quebec that any attack against one minoritized and marginalized group is an attack against us all. We are alarmed by the xenophobic speeches given during the demonstration in Ottawa on February 18, 2018, equating refugees with terrorists, twisting calls for anti-islamophobic action as promoting “inequality,” and attempting to create divisions and hierarchies among racialised minorities. It is shameful that these demonstrations have come on the heels of the first anniversary of the massacre of six Muslim men at the mosque in the Quebec City suburb of Sainte-Foy. Let us not add to the burden of pain of the Muslim community by needlessly inventing a problem to protest based on groundless fears and non-existent evidence.

It is not so long ago that we were in their shoes, facing immigration bans, racist stereotypes, and false accusations of unsavoury behaviour. One lesson learned from the Head Tax and Chinese Exclusion Act is that by targeting legislation against one group of people, the government creates a hateful atmosphere in the larger society. Racialized communities should unite and use the virtues of empathy and solidarity in the fight against the evils of hate and fascism.

As Chinese Canadians and Quebeckers, we denounce all attempts by fascist and far right groups to co-opt members of our communities into their campaign of hate, xenophobia, and, especially, Islamophobia. We stand with our Muslim community members, we stand with asylum seekers, we stand with the First Nations, and we categorically refuse to participate in any form of hate and racism against ANY racialised group.

Chinese Workers Network (Toronto & York Region Labour Council)

Progressive Chinese of Québec (PCQ)

Asian Canadian Labour Alliance (ACLA)



Why an Asian-Canadian Group Is Protesting Trudeau With Far-Right Organizations


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