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来源:约克区公校教育局   更新:2017-05-26 03:28:52   作者:约克区公校教育局

Through student-led workshops, art projects with Indigenous artists, and teaching resources for Canada 150, York Region District School Board is working to increase understandings about First Nation, Métis and Inuit histories and cultures.


Those efforts continue this week as the Board recognizes Aboriginal Awareness Week. Over the past year:


·        A group of students led workshops for educators to increase their knowledge about Indigenous histories and cultures, as part of a Students as Researchers project. The students had an opportunity to explore their own culture and identity and to share their learning and knowledge with teachers and school administrators.


·        First Nation, Métis and Inuit students in Grades 7-10 spent time with knowledge keepers to deepen their understanding of the medicine wheel, Inuit games and other cultural teachings, and to share those teachings in workshops for younger students.


·        Students from two secondary schools worked with Indigenous artists to create art and learn more about Canadian identity and Indigenous teachings through art in a year-long art project. A group of elementary students also learned more about treaties and First Nation, Métis and Inuit teachings through Artonomy, an art project that combined art and technology.


·        The Board has shared a resource with educators to support teachers in understanding Indigenous viewpoints around Canada 150 and Canada’s First People.


·        Parents of self-identified students were invited to participate in a drum-making workshop delivered by a knowledge keeper. Drumming workshops were also held three times this school year for self-identified First Nation, Métis and Inuit students.


·        Lego kits developed by the Anishnaabe Aski Nation have been used in classrooms as a spark for inquiry to engage elementary students in hands-on learning about treaties and wampum belts. Students also gained a great appreciation for the importance of treaties through Treaty Week activities.


The Board is also developing classroom resources to support staff members across the system, and working with educators to embed First Nation, Métis and Inuit content into different aspects of the curriculum, including Civics, Science and English.


“This week, as we recognize Aboriginal Awareness Day, we acknowledge the importance of increasing understandings about the histories and perspectives of Canada’s First People and of continuing the great work happening across our Board to support this learning,” said Loralea Carruthers, Chair of the Board.


“York Region District School Board is working hard to embed learning about First Nation, Métis and Inuit histories and cultures. Working with Indigenous communities and partners is an important part of this commitment to ensure this learning and teaching happens in a positive and authentic way that honours the spirit of truth and reconciliation,” said Kathi Wallace, Interim Director of Education.


“It was an amazing opportunity to change roles and to teach the teachers. They were really engaged and it was great to see how interested they were in learning more,” said Pearl Ortiz, one of the Students as Researchers participants. “As an Anishnaabe-kwe, I really appreciate the opportunities I’ve had to explore my culture, to share those teachings, and to get to know other First Nation, Métis and Inuit students from across the Board.”


“Now that my son is learning the Grandfather and Medicine Wheel teachings at school as well as at home, he is feeling that connection between home and school and a real sense of pride in who he is,” said parent and educator Christine Perrault. “He also really enjoys sharing the teachings with other students. We can all benefit from reconnecting with the land and with the lessons of gratitude and appreciation.”

(Source:York Region District School Board )

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