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骗徒冒充税务局工作人员收税 约克区警局提醒居民谨防骗局

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-07-11 20:53:59   作者:贴心姐妹网

York Regional Police has seen a recent increase in reports of tax-related scams often done by phone or email where the suspects are identifying themselves as a CRA employee or as a police officer. In recent incidents, fraudsters have made contact with victims by telephone and advised the victim that they have an overdue amount of taxes to pay and if they don’t, they will be arrested. The suspects in some cases have been able to utilize software to alter their phone numbers to make it appear that they are calling from a police phone line. In some cases the suspects have demanded the payment come in the form of pre-paid gift cards that the victims are instructed to purchase.

York Regional Police does not engage or participate in tax collection of any kind and do not arrest individuals in relation to overdue taxes. Any call or email of this nature should be considered a scam. If you have concerns about the possibility of overdue taxes, this should be discussed and confirmed directly with the CRA. More information on the CRA can be found at http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca.

York Regional Police is reminding citizens to be cautious and to confirm any suspicious calls or emails they receive before providing any information. If a situation feels suspicious, trust your instincts. Do not be talked into providing personal information or payments by methods that you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with and call companies or agencies back to verify information. Share this information with your family, especially seniors.

If you have been a victim of a fraud, and have lost money, report the incident promptly to the York Regional Police Major Fraud Unit at 1-866-876-5423, ext. 6612. To report frauds where no money has been lost, contact the theCanadian Anti-Fraud Centre online or by calling 1-888-495-8501.

(Source: The York Regional Police)

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