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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-05-10 09:08:40   作者:贴心姐妹网



以上拨款由创造性参与基金(Creative Engagement Fund)发放。获拨款的11项艺术项目,将激发公众讨论相关的议题,比如性行为的同意(consent)、由来以久的强姦及性别不平等问题,以挑战引致性暴力的态度。这些艺术项目包括表演、录影带的播放、装置及原住民艺术。

此外,省府也在透过涉资300万元的创新基金( Innovation Fund)开展7个试点项目,以应对受害人的独特需要。有关组织将推行试点项目,诸如弹性的就业项目、流动支援小组、双语或文化上适当的干预。从这些试点项目取得的经验,将在全省的其他服务机构中得以分享。

创造性参与基金及创新基金为「从来不可以」(It's Never Okay)——安省消除性暴力与骚扰行动计划(Action Plan to Stop Sexual Violence and Harassment)的组成部份。这个计划旨在帮助改变态度、改善受害人的支援力量,同时使得工作场所、校园更加安全,而对有关性暴力及性骚扰的投诉,反应更为快速见效。

安省妇女事务厅厅长麦茶丽(Tracy MacCharles)说﹕「性暴力行为在我们的社会裡仍甚猖獗。我们需要採取创新的手段来解决。透过艺术和公众讨论来催化社会改变,是众多有助于改变态度的方法之一。我们的创新基金将寻找新的路向,促使公众的参与,改善对曾受性暴力及性骚扰的受害人的支援。」

省政府说,每3个妇女当中,会有1人受到性侵犯。5月是预防性侵犯月(Sexual Assault Prevention Month)。当局希望在这个期间提高公众对性侵犯的认识,并集中资源,採取各种措施,消除性暴力,并全力支援受害人。


Aanmitaagzi's three-year touring project "Material Witness" will include both community engagement workshops and a dance theatre production that explores themes of sexual violence, harassment and violence against Indigenous women.

Community Arts & Heritage Education's "Resilient Hearts" is a one-year project that will offer multi-disciplinary arts education that celebrates strength and survival. Through a variety of disciplines including spoken word, poetry visual arts and Indigenous arts, participants will explore issues of consent, healthy relationships, boundaries, resilience and self-care.

Fédération de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne's three-year project "It's Never Okay for Franco-Ontarian Youth" is a multi-disciplinary arts program that will engage Franco-Ontarian youth in dialogue and action on sexual violence and harassment. 

Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society's three-year project "Witness" will use dance, video and theatre performances to explore real stories of refugee women who have experienced sexual violence. 

LAMPHEAD's "Get Consent" project is a one-year youth-led video animation project that will explore consent and offer youth practical skills to ensure they have positive healthy relationships.

Myths and Mirrors Community Arts' two-year "Project ArmHer" is a multi-disciplinary arts initiative that will provide a forum for sex trade workers to tell their stories of sexual violence through performance, exhibits and audience workshops.

Northwestern Ontario Women's Centre's two-year project "Just Believe Us" will use storytelling and digital art to increase understanding of sexual violence survivors' experiences and improve relationships between women, police and the community.

Onaman Collective's "Path of Wabano" is a three-year project that will work with Elders to develop "Story Baskets" with Métis youth and youth in six First Nations communities, while exploring language related to sexuality, sexual violence and harassment, and roles for two-spirited people.

Red Dress Productions' one-year initiative "The Countdown Project" will engage multiple communities, their residents, professional artists and sexual violence experts to design and build the first permanent monument in Canada to recognize survivors and increase awareness of sexual violence.

Scadding Court Community Centre's three-year project "Sexual Violence - The Roadshow" is a travelling art gallery, sexual violence prevention workshop, studio and exhibition for 15 Ontario communities that will be hosted by local artists and Sexual Assault and Rape Crisis Centres in each region.

Sheatre's three-year project "Far from the Heart/Loin du Coeur" will be designed to affect attitudes and promote healthy relationships amongst youth. This theatre performance and sexual violence prevention program will focus on reducing risks, increasing intervention and stimulating social strengths and resiliency.

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