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观点 贾斯汀·杜鲁多:一个国家因多元化而伟大

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2013-07-23 18:16:51   作者:贾斯汀·杜鲁多(加拿大自由党领袖)
观点 贾斯汀·杜鲁多:一个国家因多元化而伟大
图    国会议员、加拿大自由党领袖贾斯汀·杜鲁多参加新公民入籍仪式
这也令我想起我们早期的总理劳里埃爵士(Sir Wilfred Laurier),他不仅深知遵循自己价值观、自己文化传统的重要,更理解需要为当前社会的总体利益服务。在他的时代,劳里埃开启了新的航向:他以颇具前瞻性的眼光,寻求将不同信念的人们聚在一起,找到共同的基点。

A country can be great because of its diversity

Justin Trudeau, M.P.

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada

This year on Canada Day I attended a citizenship ceremony in Toronto where many new Canadians swore allegiance to their new country. Watching the ceremony, I was reminded that Canada’s new citizens have been central to our success and story. 
I was reminded of one of our earliest Prime Ministers, Sir Wilfred Laurier, who understood the importance of remaining true to his values, to his culture, but to always serve the interests of the society to which he belonged. For his time, Laurier charted a new path: looking towards the future, he sought to bring people of differing beliefs together to find common ground. 
I was reminded of one of our earliest Prime Ministers, Sir Wilfred Laurier, who understood the importance of remaining true to his values, to his culture, but to always serve the interests of the society to which he belonged. For his time, Laurier charted a new path: looking towards the future, he sought to bring people of differing beliefs together to find common ground. 
A century later, thanks to generations of Canadians, we are all blessed to live in the most diverse country in the history of the world; one of the most peaceful and most prosperous.
Today, Canadians appreciate that together a country can be great not in spite of its diversity, but because of its diversity. This is our story, the story of Canada.
I believe there is always a positive path forward in this country for all who seek common ground.
I believe we must honour our diversity through friendship, understanding and respect, so that we can build from it a shared, positive future. 
Our collective diversity is at the centre of our annual Canada Day celebrations. As I watched my new fellow Canadians take part in their citizenship ceremony, I was so proud to be part of a country that celebrates all ethnicities, religions and cultures. 
Let us each pledge to continue Laurier’s vision, and build a country that brings people together; that finds the highest virtue in compromise, moderation and common ground.
Note: The title was added by the editor of Loving Sister.
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