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共有39条记录 第一页 上一页 下一页 最后页 直接查看第 2 / 2
[社会政治] Trump aligns ignorance with bigotry as he attempts to rewrit 2020-09-14
[社会政治] The Republican National Convention: Even more dangerous than 2020-08-31
[社会政治] Trump could win again (without cheating) 2020-08-18
[社会政治] In defence of Michael McCain: Speaking out is what strong le 2020-01-18
[社会政治] Flight PS752: A deadly combination of Iran's recklessness an 2020-01-13
[社会政治] Trump, like Obama, tests the limits of presidential war powe 2020-01-12
[社会政治] The US-Iran conflict and the consequences of international l 2020-01-12
[社会政治] Don’t despair if your teen wants to major in history instead 2019-11-23
[社会政治] Donald Trump’s populist presidency is the real coup, not the 2019-11-01
[社会政治] The First Amendment: what it really means for free speech an 2019-08-07
[社会政治] “'How did Donald Trump become the Republican nominee?' that' 2018-02-12
[社会政治] Debating the debates 2016-09-23
[社会政治] Examining U.S.-Mexico ties in the age of Trump 2016-09-21
[社会政治] CBC体育评论员说中国运动员“死得像猪”引起听众不满 CBC和评论员 2016-08-11
[社会政治] 美国大选:特朗普胜印第安纳州,敲定共和党提名 2016-05-04
[社会政治] 布雷顿角出名了,奥巴马国宴感谢其欢迎“川普移民” 2016-03-13
[社会政治] 加拿大科学家获诺贝尔物理奖,92岁的母亲说他是因为兴趣 2015-10-08
[文化娱乐] 支持独立书店——温哥华华裔作家张崇珊(Janie Chang)发起加拿大“ 2015-04-30
[社会政治] 安乐死,一个意见分歧又无法回避的议题 2014-03-31
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