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华越柬寮法律援助中心希望族裔平等成为大选议题 将举行公共论坛讨论少数族裔社区面对的挑战

来源:Chinese & Southeast    更新:2019-09-19 10:15:25   作者:Chinese & Southeast

On September 24, 2019, the Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic (CSALC) will be hosting a Public Forum, “Our Issues Our Hopes” to discuss challenges faced by racialized communities as well as their hopes for the 2019 Federal Election.


The Public Forum will take place right after the CSALC’s Annual General Meeting, which will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Lilian Smith Library (basement), 239 College Street, Toronto.


“The incident involving our Prime Minister appearing brownface in a party shows us how deep- seated racism is in Canada.  It highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive National Anti-Racism Strategy to address systemic and structural racism that affects racialized communities in this country,” said Avvy Go, Clinic Director of CSALC.  “Its time to make racial equality a key issue for the 2019 Federal election,” added Go.


Speakers of the Forum will include Shalini KonanurSteering Committee Member, Colour of Poverty-Colour of Change (COP-COC), and Amy GoInterim President of the Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice (CCNC-SJ).


“What the Honouarble Justin Trudeau did was simply reprehensible.   Rather than using this as a distraction to avoid talking about the need for a commitment to the dismantling of systemic racism, we call on all political parties to include a commitment in their platforms a strong National Anti-Racism Strategy, and we call on all media to begin a substantive discussion on these serious issues,” said Shalini Konanur of COP-COC.


“The Chinese Canadian communities know all too well the impact of racist portrayal of members of our communities in the media and in other online platforms.  The manufactured public outrage does not help. We need policies and programs to counteract these presumptions.” said Amy Go, Interim President of CCNC-SJ.


Candidates running in ridings with a significant Chinese and Vietnamese population have been invited to attend this Public Forum.  Candidates tentatively confirmed to attend the Forum are Adam Vaughan, Liberal candidate (Spadina Fort York), Yan Chen, NDP candidate (Scarborough North), and Chris Tolley, Green candidate (Toronto Danforth).  This event is open to the public.


(Source: Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic )

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