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来源:多伦多公校教育局   更新:2018-12-07 04:58:38   作者:多伦多公校教育局

Details about who TDSB students are, their school experiences, relationships at school, physical health and emotional well-being are all part of the 2017 Student and Parent Census released today by the Toronto District School Board.

More than 220,000 students and parents completed the census to provide a comprehensive picture of who our students are. This rich data allows the TDSB to respond directly to student and parent voices to develop strategies and adjust supports to better help students’ achievement and well-being.

In line with the 2012 Census, parent data was positive overall showing a majority of parents of students in JK to Grade 6 felt welcome in their child’s school, respected, that rules were applied fairly, that their child receives the support they need and that they’re satisfied with their child’s education.

Most students reported feeling accepted, safe in school and that teachers have high expectations of success. Students from Grades 4 to 12 generally felt their schools were friendly and welcoming, that rules were applied fairly and that both their peers and teachers respected their backgrounds. Compared to the 2012 Census, students’ general perceptions of teachers were about the same, but fewer Grade 7-12 students felt encouraged or supported. Well-being results demonstrated an incremental decline from the elementary grades to high school as students reported feeling less physically active, having less sleep on school nights and an increase in screen time; a trend that is consistent with national and international data.

Work to review and address this data is already underway. Each of the TDSB’s 582 schools uses their school-specific data to help inform decisions that directly impact and benefit their own unique community. At the system level, this data demonstrates trends that the TDSB can address through targeted support such as professional learning for staff, enhancing communication with students through the development of a Student Concern Protocol, for example, and establishing partnerships to enhance well-being programs and initiatives.

Quick Facts

  • The census was completed in April 2017.
  • This is the third census for students in Grade 7 to 12 and parents of students in JK to Grade 6. It is the first for students in Grades 4 to 6.

“Every student deserves a great education and student well-being and learning must be at the centre of every decision. This data is valuable for us to make informed decisions that will support students in meaningful ways that directly supports their achievement and well-being.”

Robin Pilkey, Chair, TDSB

“Knowing who our students are, how they feel about school and themselves and what their needs are is critical to our ability to develop learning environments, opportunities and supports that are relevant and beneficial. Responding to their voices is key and we will continue to involve students in conversations and planning to ensure their learning is engaging and leads to improved outcomes.”

John Malloy, Director, TDSB

(Source: Toronto District School Board)

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