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加拿大历史上首位女部长在任职内生育 总理杜鲁多发声明说“当决策者反映人口多元化时,国家更强壮”

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-02-09 23:54:28   作者:杜鲁多 加拿大总理

"Following the birth of her child, the Honourable Karina Gould will take a leave of absence from her role as Minister of Democratic Institutions to go on parental leave.

"During her absence, the Honourable Scott Brison will serve as acting Minister of Democratic Institutions, in addition to his role as President of the Treasury Board. Andy Fillmore will continue to serve as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Democratic Institutions.

"Our country is stronger when we empower decision-makers who reflect the diversity of Canada. Part of encouraging the next generation of young women to run for office is demonstrating that our institutions are modern, family-friendly, and that the experiences they bring to the table will contribute to their success.

"Sophie and I congratulate Minister Gould as she makes Canadian history as the first federal cabinet member to give birth while in office. We wish her well during this exciting time and look forward to welcoming her and her family back to Ottawa when the time is right for them."

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