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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-03-08 09:46:21   作者:总督约翰斯顿

“Ability should not be defined by gender, nor should compassion, intelligence or leadership. Unfortunately, many women still face unfair treatment and discrimination due to the simple fact of their gender. Not only is this wrong, it prevents our country from realizing its true potential.

”I regularly have the honour of recognizing the outstanding achievements of women in a wide range of spheres. Their contributions, whether as scientists, leaders, artists, volunteers or innovators, are as essential to creating a more caring Canada as those made by their male counterparts. Only when women are treated equally and judged on their merits will we be able to say we live in a fair, just and prosperous society.

“International Women’s Day is an opportunity to take action. We must reinforce our commitment to respect, dignity and equality for all women and men alike. Because so much more can be accomplished when we work together, as equals.”

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