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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2015-11-25 18:24:56   作者:杜鲁多


“Today, I join Canadians – and people around the world – in recognizing the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

“Violence against women is a violation of the most basic human rights. It destroys lives, tears families apart, impacts entire communities, and has no place within our society.(针对女性的暴力是对基本人权的侵犯。它摧毁生活,撕裂家庭,影响到整个社区,不为我们的社会所容。)

“Today serves as an important reminder that women and girls – particularly indigenous women and girls – continue to be vulnerable to violence in our society. This must change.

“That is why the Government of Canada will continue to raise awareness of violence against women, help prevent it, and support the victims who have experienced it, both here at home and around the world.

“As leaders, as parents, as community members, we need to make sure we are combating misogyny in all its forms, wherever it is found. (作为领袖、父母、社区成员,我们应该对抗任何形式的厌女症,无论我们在哪里发现它们。)

“On this day, I urge all Canadians to make a commitment to stopping violence against women and girls. You can start by taking the online pledge to #EndViolence at women.gc.ca

“Together, we can create a Canada and a world where all citizens are respected, valued equally, and safe from violence.”

反对党保守党临时领袖、妇女议题评论员、前妇女地位部长Rona Ambrose的声明:

“On November 25th 1960, the lives of three young sisters, Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabal, were tragically taken because they were political activists. They were brutally murdered for trying to stand up for what they believed in.

“In 1999, the United Nations designated November 25th as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This day is intended to raise awareness of the fact that women around the world are subject to rape, domestic violence and other forms of violence.

“Every day, every hour, every minute, women and children across Canada and around the world are affected by violence. The consequences are tragic and the effects can last a lifetime.

 “Just this month, we saw the bravery of Maria Fitzpatrick, a Member of the Legislative Assembly in Alberta, who shared her story of living through years of violence and abuse. Unfortunately, Ms. Fitzpatrick’s story is far too common, but it is a story that is often not told. We know there are women and children around the world suffering in silence. 

 “I urge all orders of government to play a role in not only raising awareness of this issue, but investing in community-based programs, shelters and more programs to help women looking to flee domestic violence.

 “I also urge individual Canadians, especially men, to get involved and ‘don't be a bystander’. Speak up and speak out!

 “Throughout my life, I have been a champion of women’s rights, working tirelessly to help end violence against women and girls. I began working in my community with shelters and crisis centres. When I entered federal politics, I made it my personal goal to raise this issue not just nationally, but internationally.  I am proud to have led a successful UN resolution to create the International Day of the Girl to help raise awareness of the discrimination faced by girls globally. I am equally proud to have spearheaded the passage of a law to give aboriginal women equal property rights. As health minister, my commitment led to the creation of a dedicated, ten year, $100 million fund for community-based organizations to help end family violence and child abuse.

“After more than two decades of working to end violence against women, I have learned that while progress has been made, we have a long way to go.”

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