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Forum Poll8月10日民意调查显示新民主党支持率领先可以微弱优势组少数党政府

来源:Forum Research   更新:2015-08-14 08:37:02   作者:Forum Research

In a random sampling of public opinion taken by the Forum Poll™ among 1392 Canadian voters, just more than one third will vote NDP inthe coming federal election (34%), while just more than a quarter will voteConservative (28%) or Liberal (27%). Few will vote Green (4%) or Bloc Quebecois(6%) or for anyone else (1%).

NDP slips slightly, Liberals increase (新民主党支持率微降,自由党支持率上升)

These findings stand in contrast to last week, immediately after the election was called, when as many as 4-in-10 were prepared to vote NDP (39%) and just one quarter were voting Liberal (25%). The Conservative vote has not changed since then (August 2 - 28%).

NDP lead in BC, Quebec, tied in Ontario (新民主党在不列颠哥伦比亚省和魁北克省领先,在安省和其他党不相上下)

The three main parties are at parity in battleground Ontario (NDP - 33%, Conservatives and Liberals - 31% each), while the NDP leads in Quebec (37%), outstripping the Liberals (22%) and the Bloc (21%). In the Liberal fortress of Atlantic Canada, the Liberals lead (41%), while the NDP (28%) and the Conservatives (25%) are tied, while in the prairies, the Conservatives lead (43%) and the Liberals (27%) and NDP (26%) are tied for second. In Alberta, the Conservatives are dominant (44%), and the NDP are a distant second (32%). In BC, the NDP lead (38%) and the Conservatives (27%) and Liberals (29%) are tied in second.

Gender gap persists for Conservatives(男性选民和女性选民对保守党的支持仍存在差异,33%的男性选民支持保守党,但只有23%的女性选民支持保守党)

While one third of males will vote Conservative (33%), fewer than a quarter of females will do so (23%). In the case of the Liberals, the gap goes the other way (24% males, 31% females). The NDP has an even gender distribution (33% and 34%, respectively). The oldest are especially likely to vote Liberal (65+ - 34%).

3-in-10 past Liberals will vote NDP (在每10名在上次联邦大选中投自由党票的选民中,3人在此次大选中会投新民主党的票)

Three-in-ten voters who picked the Liberals in 2011 will vote for the NDP this time (30%), while one fifth of past NDP voters will opt for the Liberals (19%). About one tenth of past Conservatives will vote either Liberal (12%) or NDP (11%).

New Democrats least committed voters (新民主党的支持者最不坚定)

While 7-in-10 Conservative voters are strong supporters of their party (70%), and 6-in-10 Liberals are as well (61%), just more than one half of New Democrats are strong supporters (54%).

NDP headed for slim minority(新民主党可以微弱优势组少数党政府)

If these results are projected up to the new 338 seat House of Commons, the NDP would take 125 seats to 120 seats for the Conservatives. The Liberals would capture 89 seats, the Bloc would seat 3 members and the Greens would retain their single seat.

Conservatives, NDP equally likely to win – voters(保守党和新民主党都有可能赢)

Expectations of victory are tied for the NDP and the Conservatives (30% each), while the Liberals trail (22%). Conservatives are most convinced of their party’s eventual victory (81%), while New Democrats (66%) and Liberals (60%) are less sure. One sixth of Liberals think either the Conservatives (14%) or NDP (15%) will win, while about 1-in-10 New Democrats think either the Conservatives (12%) or Liberals (11%) will win.

Mulcair preferred as best PM (最多选民认为唐民凯是最佳总理)

Tom Mulcair has a slight as the best Prime Minister (28%), compared to one quarter for Stephen Harper (25%) and just fewer for Justin Trudeau (23%); Harper is seen to be best for foreign affairs, security; Mulcair for environment, both for economy.

Harper best for foreign affairs, security; Mulcair for environment; both for economy (选民认为哈珀在外交和安全事务上最佳,唐民凯在环保问题上最佳,两人在处理经济问题上最佳)

Stephen Harper is tied with Tom Mulcair (30% to 29%) for who could handle the economy best, and Justin Trudeau lags slightly (26%). Harper is clearly preferred for national security (35%) to Mulcair (26%) or Trudeau (21%), and he is also preferred for foreign affairs (31%), while Mulcair (26%) and Trudeau are tied (27%). Tom Mulcair is clearly seen to be the best for handling the environment (36%), trailed by Trudeau (25%) and, distantly, by Harper (15%).

 “It appears last week's bump for the NDP wasn’t just giddy exhilaration brought on by the election call. People have had more than a week to absorb this campaign, to watch the candidates and fill up on the media, and they’re sticking with the progressive alternative,” said Forum Research President, Dr. Lorne Bozinoff.

(Source: Forum Research)

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