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—— 我作为一个赌徒家庭受害者的故事(My Story of Being a Victim from Gambling Family)
来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2014-04-26 09:13:44   作者:黄美兰(Amy Yu)
“(父母)嗜赌,带给我恐惧、愤怒和家庭和谐的丧失”——我作为一个赌徒家庭受害者的故事(My Story of Being a Victim from Gambling Family)
图/贴心姐妹网    Amy Yu在「反对万锦市兴建赌场签名请愿行动」新闻发布会上讲述她作为一个赌徒家庭受害者的故事
编者按在「反对万锦市兴建赌场签名请愿行动」新闻发布会上,Amy Yu讲述了她作为一个赌徒家庭受害者的故事,呼吁人们反对在万锦市建赌场。贴心姐妹网感谢Amy Yu与本网读者分享她的英文讲稿。以下中文讲稿是贴心姐妹网对Amy Yu英文讲稿的翻译。

我被留在赌场外面,长达半小时或一个小时, 但对我来说,等待的时间仿佛是永无止境。除了数大堂里的巨大地毯上的图案,我无所事事。看着地毯,减轻了我被单独留在外面所带来的恐惧。我从一头走向另一头,直到我的父母出来,或者到了我精疲力竭,无法再行走为止。来回走动让我感到时间走得快一些,等待的时间短一些。
My Story of Being a Victim from Gambling Family
If you already taken a stand for saying yes, I hope that you can reconsider your decision. If you are saying no, I believe your have made a right decision.  If you are neutral on this issue, I hope my story will help you to move a step to say " no".
You may say, I don’t care too much as it has pros and cons for the building a multi venue business and entertainment complex.  Now let's imagine the MBEC is built.  Many people are enjoying shopping and hanging out.  It seems that you bring a lot business to the community.  But just outside this small casino (the small gambling component), from time to time, you see kids are putting outside alone to wait for their parents without supervision?  You see this kid is alone, with fear or crying.  Then you find out she is being put to wait for the parent to go inside for some gamble time. Would this picture be heart breaking for you? 
If not, I want to tell you that I was the child. 
I was raised in a home with loving parents. Unfortunately, at some point of their lives, they started to be addicted to gambling.
During the peak of their addiction, casino became a place for their daily visit. No matter how much they love or care for me, gambling was like a hook to grab them away from the right priorities of lives. Gambling at casino can be a 9am to 5pm job. caring the child was not the priority.
I remembered those days when babysitting were not available, I was put in the foyer of the casino to wait for them for I was not allowed to admit to the casino.
I was being place outside probably for half an hour or an hour, but to me, the wait time seemed to be eternity. I had nothing to do except counting the pattern of the grand carpet at the foyer. By looking at the carpet, it could distract my fear of being alone outside. I walked from one end to the other end until my parents came back or I was too tired to walk again. The walking back and forth did help me to feel the time pass faster and the wait was shorter.
Each day, when parents came back, you would notice what was the result of the gambling.  I even prayed that they would win because I know what would happen if they lost money on the day.  Not only that you would be neglected, you for sure would be ill-treated.  The gambling addiction brought me fear, anger, and destroy the harmony of the family, and certainly it did also create a lot of financial crisis at home.  
If you are telling me that you are on the neutral side, for the sake of not taking the risk to bring suffering for our next generation, I urge you to go and say "no to casino in Markham".  From my bottom of my heart, I would say no to casino in any place.
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