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观点:《追求正义和有尊严的平反》(Seeking a Just and Honourable Redress)

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2013-03-17 19:34:50   作者:周明辉 黄煜文

编者按:加拿大人头税家属联盟共同主席周明辉和全加华人协进会(平权会)行政总监黄煜文今天发表题为《追求正义和有尊严的平反》(Seeking a Just and Honourable Redress)的评论,对卑诗省自由党政府“多元文化拓展计划”和“快速赢得选票”的用词表示失望,但接受省长简蕙芝的道歉。同时,他们重申他们所在团体在平反人头税问题上的立场:联邦政府当年征收的2300万元人头税中850万元是分配给卑诗省政府。2006年,联邦政府就人头税作出道歉,并对785个人头税支付者和他们的配偶还幸存的家庭作出了赔偿,但3000个人头税支付者和他们的配偶已去世的家庭没有得到赔偿。卑诗省政府应对这些家庭作出赔偿,而不是如被泄露的“多元文化拓展计划”所说的仅仅是对他们道歉。

以下是加拿大人头税家属联盟共同主席周明辉和全加华人协进会(平权会)行政总监黄煜文的题为《追求正义和有尊严的平反》(Seeking a Just and Honourable Redress)的评论的英文全文。
Seeking a Just and Honourable Redress
The BC Liberal's Multicultural Strategic Outreach Plan was controversial for its blunt language, cynical approach to community engagement, and misuse of public services for partisan objectives. CCNC and the Head Tax Families of Canada expressed our disappointment with the Outreach Plan and the language around "quick wins" and we accepted Premier Clark's apology. 
We welcomed the probe by Deputy Minister John Dyble which concluded that while the Outreach Plan was not fully implemented that there was a misuse of public resources and an attempt to hide the activities through personal email communication, there were complaints from community-based groups and that some staff transferred government and private information to personal email accounts, presumably for partisan purposes.
The Dyble report also observed that the activities to achieve an apology for the Head Tax had been "underway for a number of years" and was an "appropriate use of government resources." CCNC and HTFSC have sought a meaningful BC apology since 2006 when we wrote to then Attorney-General Wally Oppal (http://www.straight.com/news/head-tax-activist-lobbies-oppal) and subsequently to the BC Ombudsman. It was BC politicians who lobbied for the Head Tax and Chinese Exclusion Act and enacted a litany of anti-Chinese legislation. The federal government collected a total of $23 million in Head Tax levies from 1885 to 1923 and transferred an estimated $8.5 million to BC. This unjust enrichment of the BC treasury must be reversed and these monies must be returned to the families who paid it. 
BC must not be seen to be profiting from racism - it would be harmful to our image at home and overseas. During the 2009 BC election, we issued a questionnaire to all four political parties and the most promising response came from the BC Green party. In April 2011, we met with MLA Richard Lee to present a framework for redress. In May 2012 and early February 2013, CCNC and HTFSC rejected overtures of a stand-alone apology from the BC government.
The federal apology in 2006 was supported by all four federal Parties and accepted by some of the head tax families. The federal apology offered a partial redress which included direct redress to 785 living Head Tax payers and surviving spouses, and a community education fund. An estimated 3,000 head tax families - where the head tax payer and spouse had passed away - were excluded and did not receive any direct redress, yet these families had the same experience. We are proposing that BC return the head tax monies to these families in order to achieve a complete redress.
CCNC and HTFSC understand that there may be different views on redress. However we express our disappointment with the individuals and community groups who have supported a stand-alone apology. There were rumours in mid-February that the BC government was mobilizing community representatives and party supporters to accept an apology motion in the BC Legislature on March 14th, the last sitting day of the Legislature. 
We submit that had the Outreach Plan not been made public, these community representatives would have been seen as  validating the government's "quick win" strategy. It should also be instructive to all political parties that these validators were nowhere to be found during this controversy because they and their families were not directly affected by the past racist legislation. Redress cannot be genuinely achieved without the acceptance of all of the affected families.
We also understand that some community groups have suggested some community-based and collective measures. These suggestions include improving the education curriculum and protecting heritage sites. We would encourage groups to contact the relevant Ministry as these suggested actions are not contingent on an Apology. In fact, the BC education system already includes some instruction on BC's racist past with teachers utilizing Asian Heritage Month and the numerous community education resources to teach BC history. 
A complete redress is the foundational lesson and sets in place the healing and reconciliation process which will take years if not decades to ferment. A just and honourable redress is restorative, especially for the direct victims and affected families. CCNC and HTFSC will continue to lobby the BC government to do the right thing and to negotiate a meaningful apology.
Sid Chow Tan, Head Tax Families Society of Canada
Victor Wong, Chinese Canadian National Council
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