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来源:平权会多伦多分会   更新:2021-04-06 16:01:35   作者:平权会多伦多分会



The Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter is also launching our Campaign Supporting Frontline Workers in Chinese Canadian Community in Accessing Vaccines (“关爱前线互助社区:协助边缘前綫打疫苗” 计划)

Toronto - Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter is calling on the Ontario government to strengthen support for frontline workers. In light of the third wave:

  • We join health officials across Ontario, to ask the government to immediately prioritize vaccine distribution to the hard-working frontline workers who are the backbone of our community and who are disproportionately impacted by the new variant. This includes many racialized, immigrant, women, undocumented and young workers who are disproprotionately impacted in this sector.

  • Despite entering phase 2 today, the Ontario government has not prioritized frontline workers. Essential retail workers and warehouse workers are the absolute last priority population in Phase 2 despite the fact that health officials have noted they are one of the most vulnerable populations. They have worked during the pandemic, being labelled as "essential workers", and felt enormous stress while encountering financial instability. Most of them are low-income families, living in crowded housing arrangements and facing health risks day by day.

  • The Ontario Government should prioritize all frontline workers including those who are undocumented, as they often labour in the most precarious conditions and have the least protections.  Equitable access to the vaccine also means providing more resources to reduce barriers to access vaccines (translation support, etc.), 24/7 access to the vaccine sites; and eliminating barriers for undocumented workers to access the vaccine, including not collecting personal information or not requiring health card information as part of the registration process.  

The Chinese Canadian National Council Toronto Chapter is also launching our Campaign Supporting Frontline Workers in Chinese Canadian Community in Accessing Vaccines “关爱前线互助社區:協助邊緣前綫打疫苗” 计划

  • Our program will provide support to Chinese frontline workers, specifically who are most marginalized, such as senior frontline workers, frontline workers that don't speak English, and undocumented workers in accessing the vaccine.

  • We will be assisting them to book vaccine appointments, provide rides to vaccine sites and help with interpretation if needed. CCNCTO has helped some senior frontline workers who are isolated and facing language barriers to accessing the vaccines, and we believe this support is essential to our community. 

(Source: CCNC Toronto Chapter)



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