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约克区教育局发声明 对因乌克兰客机空难受影响的学生和家庭提供支持

来源:约克区教育局   更新:2020-01-08 00:57:46   作者:约克区教育局

York Region District School Board Chair, Juanita Nathan and Director of Education, Louise Sirisko have issued the following statement regarding the plane crash in Iran this morning.


Nothing prepares us for the news of the airline crash that took place in Iran on Wednesday, especially one that affects children and youth. Sadly, we are aware that our region and schools have been directly affected by this sudden and tragic loss of life.


We are heartbroken by the news and our thoughts and deepest condolences are with all those affected. This is a global tragedy affecting us locally and we join our families and communities in grieving.


A tragedy like this one weighs heavy on not only our communities but also our country. It is important that we take the time to help one another heal. 


Our focus in the coming days will be on supporting students and their families affected by the news of this incident. There are resources available on our website to support families in speaking with their children, and I encourage you all to lean on one another for support during this difficult time. Those schools directly affected will be supported by school board staff members specifically trained to support with tragic incidents. 


In addition, if you or someone you know is directly affected by this event, Victim Services of York Region (VSYR) is available at 905-953-5363 or toll free at 1-866-876-5423, extension 6790 to provide support. You can also reach out to 310 - COPE at 1-888-695-0070.


As a sign of respect for the local and all victims of this tragedy, flags have been lowered at all York Region District School Board schools and workplaces.


Sadly, this is not the only tragic news of the day. Our deepest condolences go out to all those who have been affected by the active shooter situation in Ottawa. 


(Source: York Region District School Board)

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