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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2019-01-30 05:53:38   作者:贴心姐妹网


“Two years ago tonight, six people were killed and nineteen others were seriously injured in a terrorist attack at the Centre culturel islamique de Québec in Ste-Foy.

“On this anniversary, I join Canadians across the country to grieve those we lost and honour their memory. We hold the victims in our hearts, along with their families and loved ones, and all those whose lives were marked by this tragedy.

“We also recognize the heroes and first responders who saved lives that night and answered this act of hatred with courage. In the days and weeks that followed, Québec City – and communities across the country – did the same. Canadians came together to stand with our country’s Muslim communities, uniting in solidarity and hope.

“Today, we continue to speak with one voice: Islamophobia, hate, and discrimination have no place here or anywhere. We will never allow fear to divide us, and we will always defend the values that make us strong – openness, inclusion, equality, and the freedom to practice religion in safety and peace.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I ask all Canadians to pause today and remember the victims. They will stay in our hearts and memories forever.”


"Today, we join our neighbours in Quebec and Muslim communities across Canada in a moment of silence to remember the victims of the horrific terrorist attack in Quebec City. Two years ago, Canadians from across the country watched in shock and horror as this tragedy unfolded, and then stood united as a country against ignorance, bigotry and hatred.

One's freedom to worship without fear is one of our most important freedoms, and it must be cherished and defended. This attack on a place of worship was an attack on that freedom.

As the families gather together today to mourn, know that we join them in remembrance and grief. To our Muslim friends and neighbours, know that our government will always fight intolerance, defend our religious freedoms and work to ensure that this never happens again."


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