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安省政府取消对约克大学万锦校区的拨款 万锦市长和约克区主席表示失望和不安

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-10-24 09:01:14   作者:贴心姐妹网



约克区主席和首席执行官 Wayne Emmerson表示”这是一个极其令人不安的消息。”

"I have been informed of the Government of Ontario’s decision to withdraw provincial funding for the York University Markham Centre Campus. This is extremely unsettling news.

The $253-million project includes partnership agreements with The Regional Municipality of York and City of Markham. Our respective Councils and staffs have worked diligently with our partners at York University and Seneca College, and provincial government staff, to bring this project to life.
The campus, located west of the Markham Pan Am Centre, was slated to welcome students in 2021 and offer 20 degree programs in a variety of professional programs to 4,200 students. It is to become an integral part of Markham’s emerging city centre and an important city-building initiative York Region and our Council is striving for.
The previous provincial government committed $127.3 million earlier this year toward the cost of the new campus on land contributed by the City of Markham, with York Region investing a further $25 million. York University is raising critical funds for this important facility.
We can appreciate the fiscal approach the new Ontario Government is in, especially in light of our own fiscal realities. However, this project is already underway with the design and development planning phase now complete and construction was scheduled to begin before the end of 2018.
York Region remains steadfast in our commitment to work with all partners, including the Ontario Government, York University, Seneca College and of course, Markham and all our municipalities, to ensure we meet the needs of our residents, businesses, and most importantly, our students, who require access to post-secondary education close to home and within our growing and maturing communities.”


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