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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2018-08-17 05:17:55   作者:贴心姐妹网编辑









微信群里流传一个题为《加拿大什么时候会成为伊斯兰国家? 研究表明伊斯兰人口占16-50%。会成为伊斯兰国家》的帖子。该帖子开头说:“哥大伊斯兰问题教授理布里耶特研究了包括伊朗等国家的伊斯兰化过程,得出了临界点为总人口16%的结论。他认为,超过这个数字,伊斯兰化就难以逆转。”


搜索哥伦比亚大学研究伊斯兰文化历史的学者,帖子中所说的教授应该是历史系的Richard W. Bulliet教授。从哥伦比亚大学网站上这位教授的履历可以看到:这位教授是在哈佛大学受的教育,在哥伦比亚大学担任过两届中东研究所的所长。

他的著作之一是"The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization"。

介绍该书的"The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization"一文中的一段:

“By fostering slogans like "clash of civilizations" and "what went wrong," Americans to this day continue to misread the Muslim world and to miss the opportunity to focus on common ground for building lasting peace. This book offers a fresh perspective on U.S.-Muslim relations and provides the intellectual groundwork upon which to help build a peaceful and democratic future in the Muslim world.” (使用“文明冲突”和“是什么出了错”之类的口号,美国人至今继续误读穆斯林世界,也失去了和他们寻找共识、建立永久和平的机会。这本书在美国-穆斯林关系问题上提供了新的视角,为帮助穆斯林世界建立和平和民主的未来提供了认识基础。)


Richard Bulliet's The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization re-examines most of the pieties of the West about the Muslim world and Islamic politics (and about the West itself) and finds them not only wrong but wrongly conceived.... He argues that modern European and Muslim history are deeply intertwined and that one cannot be understood in isolation from the other, thereby launching a profound challenge to teachers, historians and policy-makers. (Bulliet教授认为,现代欧洲和穆斯林历史深度交织。)

Juan Cole, University of Michigan, The International Journal of Middle East Studies

有心的网友还搜索到另外一篇介绍该书的文章“Islamo-Christian Civilization”,其中两段:

After 09/11, several political leaders and academic scholars used the phrase, "clashes of civilization" in the media. Their endorsements established a dichotomy between America's position and the Muslim world. Based on the factual events of history - from the Renaissance through the 20th century - Bulliet offers a dramatically different counterpoint.

"Whether you're Muslim or American or Chinese or Indian the problem is if you recognize the 'clash of civilizations,' it gets you no where good and with no signposts," Bulliet said. "What I hope and is absolutely necessary is we experience inclusion with Arabs and Muslims in America." (Bulliet说:“我所希望的,也是绝对需要的是,我们包容在美国的阿拉伯人和穆斯林。”)



The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization

Islamo-Christian Civilization

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