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来源:加广中文   更新:2018-07-16 11:24:07   作者:吴薇








新斯科舍省少女丽塔.帕森斯(Rehtaeh Parsons )2013年因不堪网络凌辱自杀。她的父亲坎宁(Glen Canning)说,安大略省政府决定废除新版性教育课,令他感到愤怒。因为他认为这会让更多的少女面临危险。





(RCI with CBC News,Elise von Scheel )



Father of bullying victim Rehtaeh Parsons calls Ford's sex-ed repeal 'infuriating'

Ontario Tory minister flip-flops on sex-ed curriculum stance

安大略省将恢复旧版性教育课程 安省绿党领袖指责这是“对现代生活宣战”

LGBT advocates, NDP target rollback of sex-ed curriculum at Toronto event

SMART SEX-ED (加拿大民权协会将就福特政府以1998年性教育课程代替2015年性教育课程提出法律挑战:"CCLA will challenge the Throne Speech promise to replace 2015 Sex Ed curriculum with 1998 version, once it’s official, assuring that the Ford Sex Ed curriculum ends up discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation." )

安省教育厅长Lisa Thompson7月16日下午4时25分向媒体发出的声明:

"During the recent election campaign we made a clear promise to replace the entirety of Ontario’s current sex-ed curriculum with an age-appropriate one that is based on real consultation with parents.
"When Ontario voters chose their new government, they did so knowing that this was our intended course of action.
"Throughout this process, our commitment to Ontario parents has remained unwavering.
"We will be engaging in a thorough end-to-end consultation with parents over the coming months.  Preparations are already underway with consultations scheduled to begin in the fall.
"This will be one of most robust consultation processes in the history of Ontario’s education system and all parents, of all points of view, will be invited to participate over the coming months. Parents will tell us what matters to them.
"As of today, we have made no decisions on what the new curriculum will look like. The final decision on the scope of the new curriculum will be based on what we hear from Ontario parents.
"While these consultations occur, we are reverting to the full health and physical education curriculum that was last taught in 2014.  This curriculum leaves ample space to discuss current social issues. 
"Our goal remains to ensure Ontario’s children are protected while their parents are respected."






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