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来源:加拿大-菲律宾维权团结   更新:2018-07-07 03:16:50   作者:加拿大-菲律宾维权团结


The Canada-Philippines Solidarity for Human Rights (CPSHR) joins the citizens and residents of Canada, calling upon the Government of Canada to declare December 13th of every year as Nanjing Massacre Commemorative day.

In the Philippines, we add our voices to the women’s group Gabriella, in strongly condemning the removal of the COMFORT WOMAN STATUE in Manila. The move casts a foul insult on hundreds of victims of sex slavery during the Japanese Imperial Army’s occupation of the Philippines in WWII.

The Japanese government aims to erase any trace of their country’s brutality to the world and we should not allow them to have their way on historical revisionism. Japan once again succeeded in imposing its revisionist take on WWII on puppet regimes like the government of Duterte.

Women will persevere in highlighting the horrors of Japanese occupation, no matter how Japan and its puppets try to cover it. Despite the statue’s removal, we will continue to speak out and will vigorously pursue efforts to expose Japan’s sex slavery in the country and other parts of the globe.

Long live international solidarity! 

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