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来源:约克区政府   更新:2017-10-23 10:55:44   作者:约克区政府

York Regional Council received the 2017 Annual Collision Statistics Report, capturing road safety and collision trends on Regional roads.

“York Region continues to see a decrease in the total number of collisions, and in 2016 the total number of collisions was at a 10-year low,” said York Region Chairman and CEO Wayne Emmerson. “As our population continues to grow and there are an increasing number of vehicles on the road, this type of data is vital to ensure we continue to build safe communities.”

The 2017 Annual Collision Report uses a variety of statistics collected including collision rates, traffic volumes, weather and population. Using this information, York Region develops and implements strategies that make Regional roads safer for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. This includes creating AODA compliant intersections, building new cycling infrastructure, continuing yearly educational and enforcement initiatives to enhance awareness, installation of new traffic signals at 36 intersections since 2014 and installing an additional 20 red light cameras by the end of 2017.

Additional highlights in the report:

  • October to February are the months with the highest number of vehicle collisions
  • August sees the highest number of cyclist vehicle collisions; pedestrian vehicle collisions occur most in November
  • Fridays have the highest number of vehicle collisions; Wednesdays see the highest number of collisions for cyclists and pedestrians with vehicles
  • Hour with the highest number of collisions is between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
  • 40 per cent of all vehicle collisions are rear-end collisions
  • Most common actions causing collisions is following a vehicle too closely (25 per cent), followed by failing to yield the right-of-way (16 per cent) and improper turns (12 per cent)
  • 73 per cent of all collisions occurred on dry road surface conditions

“Road safety is top of mind in York Region, and it is important to have the right initiatives in place to ensure the safety of everyone travelling on our roads,” said Town of Richmond Hill Regional Councillor Vito Spatafora, Chair of the Region’s Transportation Services. “The safety initiatives we implement aren’t done in isolation, and with the data collected in this report we can modify as needed to ensure everyone comes home at the end of the day.”

York Region is responsible for more than 4,200 lane kilometres of Regional roads, 2,000 intersections and approximately 875 traffic signals connecting our nine municipalities together. Each year, Regional roads carry more than six billion vehicle kilometres of travel and more than 2.7 million vehicle trips daily. For more information on York Region roads and interactive maps of our Regional roads, please visit York.ca/roads

(Source: The Regional Municipality of York)

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