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苹果香草填料烤鸡(Roasted Chicken with Apple Herb Stuffing)

来源:Foodland Ontario   更新:2017-10-06 09:08:13   作者:Foodland Ontario
苹果香草填料烤鸡(Roasted Chicken with Apple Herb Stuffing)


Preparation Time: 

Cooking Time: 

Servings: 6


2 tbsp (25 mL) vegetable oil

1 Ontario Onion, diced

2 cloves Ontario Garlic, minced

1 tsp (5 mL) dried thyme

1/2 tsp (2 mL) dried sage

5 cups (1.25 L) white or whole wheat bread cubes

1/4 cup (50 mL) chopped fresh parsley

2 Ontario Apples (such as Empire, McIntosh, Cortland), peeled and chopped (about 2 cups/500 mL)

Salt and pepper

1 Ontario Chicken, 3 to 4 lb (1.5 to 2 kg)

2 tbsp (25 mL) butter, melted

Salt and pepper or seasoning salt (optional)


In large nonstick skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Add onion; cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add garlic, thyme and sage; cook for 1 minute. Stir in bread cube s and toss to coat. Stir in parsley and apples. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Pat chicken dry with paper towel. Fill cavity with stuffing mixture. Cover opening with end slice of bread or small piece of foil. Brush about 1 tbsp (15 mL) of the melted butter over chicken skin. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, if desired. Place, breast side up, on rack in shallow roasting pan. Roast in 350°F (180°C) oven, basting with remaining butter halfway through, for about 1 hour or until digital thermometer registers 185°F (85°C) when inserted in thigh.

Tip: To cook stuffing in casserole dish, stir in 1/2 cup (125 mL) chicken broth to further moisten stuffing.  Place stuffing in lightly greased 4-cup (1 L) ovenproof casserole.  Cover with foil or lid.  Bake in 350°F (180°C) oven for 25 minutes.  If desired, uncover and cook 5 minutes longer to crisp top.

Nutrients per serving

Protein: 27 grams

Fat: 14 grams

Carbohydrate: 3 grams

Fibre: 2 grams

Calories: 320


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