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万锦市今晚举行“庆祝孩童团结”活动 回应市内三家小学出现种族仇恨涂鸦事件

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2017-08-22 10:39:47   作者:贴心姐妹网
万锦市今晚举行“庆祝孩童团结”活动 回应市内三家小学出现种族仇恨涂鸦事件





市议员何胡景在微信贴文中说:“ 有鑑于今天在万锦市有3 间小学被人写上一些疑带有种族歧视的涂鸦,如 "K, K,K" 及 "White Power" 等字眼; 万锦市府联同约克区警察总局诚意邀请市民出席明天 8 月 22 日,星期二,晚上 7:00 pm 在 万锦市 William Armstrong Public School 公园举行一个名为 "Children's Unity Celebration, Hope. Peace. Unity" 儿童团结、希望、和平、团结晚会,藉此带出团结精神,公园地址是 11 Major Button's  Drive(Highway 7 & Markham Road 东南角)。万锦市是加拿大最多元文化的城市,亦有科技之都之称,住有很多不同的族裔;而华裔人口约佔40%。万锦市府一直不遗馀力推动种族和谐,共建美好社区;希望今次只是个别事件,各族裔能和平共处,共同生活在这美好的城市。“



Join Mayor Frank Scarpitti, Members of Council, Rabbi Plotkin and other religious leaders, York Regional Police and community members tomorrow for the Markham Children's Unity Celebration. This event will celebrate Markham's diversity and focus on inclusion by bringing the community together to share a message of hope, peace and unity. 

“I am deeply saddened by the news that three schools in Markham have been vandalized by racist slurs. Let me be clear: racism has no place in Markham, I condemn these acts of racism in the strongest possible terms. I am proud that the City of Markham is Canada’s most diverse city,” says Mayor Frank Scarpitti. 

“Here in Markham we are privileged to have over half of our population coming to Markham from outside of Canada, with nearly 60 per cent of our population speaking a first language other than English, and over 70 percent identifying as visible minorities. Markham thrives and continues to be a leader because of our diversity and focus on inclusion. This incident does not reflect the Markham our residents know and love, a community that embraces diversity, builds bridges between all cultural groups and works together for the betterment of the whole community."

The City of Markham is committed to the benefits of diversity through our Diversity Action Plan and diversity is a key strategic priority for the City of Markham as per our Building Markham First Together Strategic Plan 2015-2019. The City of Markham has been a long standing member of the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination.

Come out for an evening of community fellowship, musical entertainment and light refreshments. Show your support of Markham's diverse community where everyone is welcome. 


Markham Children's Unity Celebration 


Tuesday, August 22, 2017 

7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 


William Armstrong Public School Park 

11 Major Button's Drive, Markham 


Mayor Frank Scarpitti 

Members of Council 

Rabbi Plotkin 

Imam Khan 

York Regional Police Chief Eric Jolliffe 

Superintendant Fred Moffat, York Regional Police


万锦市三所学校出现仇恨黑人和犹太人涂鸦 约克区警方正在调查



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