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来源:约克区政府   更新:2017-05-01 21:12:56   作者:约克区政府

The Regional Municipality of York begins its 2017 annual vector-borne disease program this month to limit the impact of West Nile virus and Lyme disease activity in the community.

“Tick surveillance findings show blacklegged tick numbers are increasing across York Region,” said Dr. Karim Kurji, York Region’s Medical Officer of Health. “Although human cases of West Nile virus and Lyme disease remain low, activities will continue to reduce mosquitoes and identify and respond to areas of emerging tick populations in York Region.”

Vector-borne diseases are infections transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick (Lyme disease) or mosquito (West Nile virus). Factors including temperature, precipitation and climate change have an effect on the level of vector-borne disease activity in the community. In 2016, there were three confirmed human cases of West Nile virus in the Region and six confirmed cases of Lyme disease.

Education and self-protection remain the best defense to protect yourself and your family from mosquitoes and ticks. If heading outdoors this spring and summer, follow these tips:

  • Clean up standing water around your home where mosquitoes like to breed
  • Wear light-coloured clothes and long-sleeved tops to help spot ticks and deter mosquitoes
  • Choose closed-toe footwear
  • Use insect repellent containing DEET or icaridin
  • Search your body for ticks, especially in the groin, scalp, back and underarm areas
  • Remove attached ticks from your body as quickly as possible

Larviciding is the primary method for reducing mosquitoes. Larvicide is applied in pellet form into the standing water of catch basins during mosquito season. The slow release pellet interferes with the mosquito life cycle, preventing the mosquito larvae from reaching maturity. The products have been approved by both the provincial and federal governments and are considered low risk for humans, pets and the environment.

York Region also investigates ticks submitted by the public, conducts ticks surveillance in outdoor habitats in the Region and tracks and reports human cases of Lyme disease.

For more information on vector-borne diseases, contact York Region Health Connection at 1-800-361-5653 or TTY 1-866-512-6228. More information is also available at york.ca/westnile and york.ca/lymedisease

(Source:The Regional Municipality of York )

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