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来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2017-03-28 15:13:57   作者:多伦多市政府

The City of Toronto has been named one of Canada's best diversity employers for the second consecutive year for its exceptional workplace diversity and inclusion programs. 

"As a leading organization that offers many diverse programs and initiatives, the City of Toronto is very deserving of this award," said Mayor John Tory. "Diversity is our strength, and I commend the members of the Toronto Public Service, whose work helps make Toronto an inclusive and welcoming city that is a model for the rest of the world."

The competition recognizes leaders who create inclusive workplaces and programs for employees from five groups: women, members of visible minorities, persons with disabilities, Aboriginal Peoples and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) peoples. 

"The City of Toronto leads the way in championing diversity, access, inclusivity and producing equitable outcomes for City employees and the people we serve," said City Manager Peter Wallace. "As one of Canada's top employers, we must continue to create an environment that reflects our diverse communities and where everyone is treated equally and equitably." 
The winners for 2017 were announced today by Mediacorp Canada Inc. in a Globe and Mail magazine. 

To determine this year's winners, editors reviewed diversity and inclusiveness initiatives from employers who applied for the Canada's Top 100 Employers project. A short list of employers with noteworthy and unique initiatives was compiled and the candidates' programs were compared to programs of other employers in the same field. The finalists chosen represent the diversity leaders in their industry and their region of Canada.

The full list of winners and the reasons the City was selected are available at

Mediacorp Canada Inc., Canada's largest specialty publisher of quality employment periodicals, manages the Canada's Top 100 Employers project and the Eluta.ca job search engine, now used by more than 5.4 million Canadians annually. 

(Source: City of Toronto)

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