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“医疗协助死亡”联邦法律尚未到位 安省已开始允许“安乐死”

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-06-06 05:30:10   作者:贴心姐妹网
安省卫生及长期护理厅厅长贺施金(Dr. Eric Hoskins)今日(週一)联同安省司法厅厅长梅乐尔 (Madeleine Meilleur)发表以下声明﹕
「由今天起,医疗协助死亡(medical assistance in dying,俗称安乐死)可在安省进行。这是继加拿大最高法院所作裁决后而批准的。
病人如果希望进行医疗协助死亡,应向他们的医护提供者徵询意见。医护提供者则应向规管他们的机关(regulatory colleges),寻求有关医疗协助死亡的规例、方针指南或做法。
虽然加拿大最高法院(Supreme Court)不曾要求,但我们鼓励病人及医护提供者寻求进一步的明释,以清楚认识到最高法院的裁决可以如何应用到他们的个别情况。他们可向安省最高法院(Ontario Superior Court of Justice)提出明释的申请。

"Beginning today, medical assistance in dying is permitted in Ontario as a result of a decision by the Supreme Court of Canada.

Patients who wish to access medical assistance in dying should talk with their health care provider. Health care providers should consult their regulatory colleges about any rules, guidelines or practices regarding medical assistance in dying.

Ontario's health regulatory colleges for physicians, nurses and pharmacists will provide guidance to help health care providers provide appropriate medical assistance in dying to patients who request this option. Ontario will also ensure that drugs required for medical assistance in dying will be available at no cost.

Ontario will establish a referral service to support physicians in making an effective referral for consultation and assessment for possible medical assistance in dying cases. The service will help connect physicians who are unwilling or unable to provide medical assistance in dying with physicians who are willing to complete a patient consultation and assessment.

While not required by the Supreme Court, we encourage patients and health care providers to seek further clarity about how the Supreme Court's decision applies to their particular circumstances by bringing an application to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. 

Federal government legislation on medical assistance in dying is not currently in place. We urge both the House of Commons and the Senate to continue to work collaboratively to pass legislation so that a national framework for the provision of medical assistance in dying can be established.

Ontario will continue to monitor the proposed federal legislation closely and continue engaging federal officials and other provinces and territories on issues related to this legislation as required. Moving forward, Ontario will also pursue amendments to provincial legislation to further support the implementation of medical assistance in dying.

Medical assistance in dying is a significant matter to all Ontarians. Through our consultations, we heard from thousands of Ontarians, health care providers and stakeholders from across the province about the complex and sensitive issues related to end-of-life decisions and medical assistance in dying.  Our ongoing commitment is to ensure that end-of-life care is provided appropriately, safely and with the utmost compassion."

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