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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-05-19 14:48:55   作者:贴心姐妹网

《多伦多星报》社论:Justin Trudeau’s shove gives energy to his critics: Editorial

“There is much cause for hope in the Liberals’ agenda and in their record over the six months since they took office. But the prime minister does himself and his country a grave disservice when he proves his critics right. The kind of government he is promising requires work, patience and collaboration. Shoving won’t do.”

《环球邮报》社论:What was Justin Trudeau thinking? He wasn’t

"Physically grabbing your opponents is the opposite of respect, and while it’s clear that Mr. Trudeau lost his temper, other people lose their tempers all the time in public life and don’t resort to using anything more forceful than words. It suggests that the PM’s post-partisanship may actually be less tolerant of dissent than the old partisanship."

《国家邮报》评论:John Ivison: Commons ‘incident’ shreds Liberal legislative agenda and shakes confidence in Trudeau

“My Lebanese cabdriver said he watched it all unfold on television and now has renewed respect for Trudeau.

“He made a mistake and he apologized. Everyone is human. It made me glad I’m here. In Lebanon, the prime minister can shoot you dead,” he said.

When you put it like that, it’s a reminder that everything is relative and few political storms in this country deserve a “gate” suffix.”


“The withdrawal of the offending government motion — a climbdown in the face of unanimity on the other side of the House – will go some way to re-assuring Canadians that the Liberals have re-discovered the patience required for a functioning parliament.

But it will not console those who feel Trudeau’s performance has confirmed their worst fears about his unsuitability.”

The only way to restore confidence is for the prime minister to live up to his own rhetoric.

《国家邮报》:Ashley Csanady: No, Justin Trudeau is not Jian Ghomeshi and to suggest as much is insulting to survivors

"What happened Wednesday night in the House of Commons was certainly unparliamentary. "


"It’s very clear to anyone who watched the footage — as May, who had a front-row seat put it — that Trudeau hit Brosseau “unintentionally.”"

"Trudeau’s actions Wednesday were inexcusable. But they were also not gendered; to suggest so is to undermine the real physical or sexual violence that as many as half of Canadian women will experience at the hands of a partner, loved one or stranger in their lives."

《环球邮报》:Matt Gurney: Forget the errant elbow. The real scandal is the Liberals’ assault on Parliament

“Fine. It’s over. We can move on now. But Canadians shouldn’t forget what took place before the prime minister’s meltdown. The Liberals’ shabby treatment of our democracy this week has been a far cry from what they’d promised when running for election last fall. And it’s far more serious a matter than an immoderate curse and an errant elbow.”

《环球邮报》:GABRIELLE GALLANT:Associating elbowgate with violence against women is an insult to victims

"To compare this incident to violence against women is a slap in the face to any woman who has actually been assaulted.
To label this as violence against women is just plain cruel: Any woman who has suffered real violence certainly knows an accidental elbow is not akin to violence.
This comparison – and all statements likening this incident to gendered violence – diminish the cause of those who fight violence against women. It diminishes the pain of the very real trauma experienced by women who have suffered abuse at the hands of men."
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