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麦克默里堡林火灾难(18) 多伦多关注环保年轻人组织集会 既为灾民筹款也敦促政府向100%可再生资源转换

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-05-13 10:53:18   作者:贴心姐妹网

多伦多青年环保咨议会今天下午将在多伦多市举行集会, 既为灾民筹款,也敦促政府向100%可再生资源转换。

Toronto youth are hosting a rally today to raise funds for fire-displaced Albertans and to ask the Canadian government to ramp up action to address climate change.

The rally takes place today at 4-5:30 pm at the corner of Spadina Avenue and Bloor Street West.

The event is one of dozens of “Break Free” actions being held around the world this month to call on governments to make the transition to 100% renewable energy.

“We want to show support for the thousands of people made homeless by wildfires in Alberta,” said Alice Cheng of the Toronto Youth Environment Council (TYEC). “We also want to urge the Canadian government to take action on the urgent issue of climate change so that the planet remains livable for all.”

Youth speakers and performers at the rally will include award-winning filmmaker Jonah Bryson, TYEC leaders Lilian Barraclough and Bonnie Gao, singer Brighid Fry, and University of Toronto fossil fuels divestment campaign leader Amanda Harvey-Sanchez.

“As youth, our message is clear: the government must not approve new pipelines that will extend our dependency of fossil fuels,” said Caitlyn Liu of TYEC. “Instead the government should end fossil fuel subsidies, put a moratorium on new pipelines, and lead the transition to an economy that is compatible with a clean environment for future generations.”

The rally is being held outside the office of Honorable Chrystia Freeland, Vice-Chair of the Cabinet Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Energy.  Minister Freeland has been invited to attend.

Youth will be selling apples and somosas to raise funds for emergency relief for displaced Fort McMurray residents.

TYEC has organized this rally with the support of KAIROS (Toronto Centre East), Council of Canadians (Toronto), Toronto350.org, ClimateFast, Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice, the United Church of Canada (SW Toronto Presbytery Social Justice Project), and the Toronto Monthly Meeting (Quaker) Peace and Social Action Committee.


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