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安省省民就男女薪酬差异问题发表意见 高质量支付得起的托儿服务是解决薪酬差异的关键

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-04-19 22:02:03   作者:贴心姐妹网





  1. Discrimination, based on gender and other social identifiers in the labour market and workplaces, still exists.
  2. Almost everyone mentioned the need to provide high quality, affordable and accessible childcare as a priority issue to help working women and their families close the gender wage gap.
  3. People who wanted improvements in working conditions suggested solutions related to leaves, scheduling, flexible work arrangements, unionization and sector bargaining.
  4. Many people emphasized the importance of addressing issues facing vulnerable and precarious workers.
  5. “Share the care” was common to many proposed solutions. Family-friendly policies to address caregiving needs include: paid leaves for the second parent, childcare, public awareness campaigns using traditional or social media to engage men and to dispel gender stereotypical attitudes about jobs and career paths.
  6. There were many comments about initiatives to achieve greater transparency in pay and other workforce practices.
  7. It was consistently emphasized that pay equity and other workplace anti-discrimination laws need to work together, and be easy to access.
  8. People repeatedly raised the role, commitment and activities of government as important for closing the gender wage gap.
  9. More data and measurement tools are required to fully understand gendered effects of programs, policies and budget decisions on men and women.
  10. Government should show the way by being a model employer for workplace gender diversity, and by embedding gender analysis in policy development, program funding, and legislative processes.



科學 技術 工程 數學 四大高薪行業 女性僱員比率低

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