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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-03-19 13:55:14   作者:贴心姐妹网

《多伦多星报》社论:Trudeau’s smart picks for Senate are first step in rehabilitating the Red Chamber: Editorial

‘Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s picks for Senate seats were merit-based and non-partisan. He’s off to a good start"

"At the same time he burnished his feminist credentials: Four of the seven appointees are female."


《环球邮报》:Three important questions as Trudeau names seven new senators


"Can the Senate work without parties?"


"“It will take more than rule changes and appointing independent senators to take the partisanship out of the Senate,” writes University of Ottawa law professor Adam Dodek. The Northwest Territories and Nunavut – whose territorial legislatures operate without parties as a “consensus government” – may hold a guide."– may hold a guide."


"Will Liberal legislation get passed?"


"Will the senators stay independent?"


《国家邮报》:Senate’s political dynamics shift as new appointments put independents in majority


“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s nomination of seven Senate candidates is reordering the core political dynamics of the Red Chamber.”


““I have a feeling you may actually start seeing a majority of the senators acting as the Supreme Court of Canada wanted them to act as, which is to be complimentary to the House of Commons, as a body of sober second thought regardless of the partisanship that got them there in the first place.” (The 2014 Supreme Court reference on the Senate said its fundamental nature and role is as a complementary legislative chamber of sober second thought.)”

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