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来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-01-25 12:32:21   作者:贴心姐妹网

Ron McNaughton


Q1. How do you see the school trustee role to represent constituent ? 

I was a Trustee Scarborough Agincourt for 6 years 1997-2003. During this period I had 46 schools in the ward 8 of which major high schools. You have to establish working relationship with Director of Education who is hired by trustees and working relationship with other trustees. Then you must listen to constituents and bring their concerns to the board. Example. I was able to get name of Wexford C.I. to Wexford School of the Arts which gave them $100,000. in addition funding for their program 


Q2. Do you see the value of EQAO exam?  What  change do you propose if any ? 

Yes I see value in EQAO testing as it provides students, parents and teachers with a clear picture of student achievement and gives us a basis where improvement is needed. Proposing a 2 year moratorium on EQUA to determine other student evaluation is a good idea.


Q3. What  is the Maths challenge at school and what do you think can help ?

Evidence shows that that teachers who are most comfortable and knowledgeable with the content they are required to teach tend to transmit that knowledge better So announcing more funding on Math  teaching professional training is a step in the right direction.


Q4. What do you see the main challenge of new sex education curriculum roll out ?  What can you do to arbitrate the gap being a school trustee ? 

This is the main question parents are asking. I was on ThatChannel.com last week with 3 other candidates and I brought up the subject. We were asked do you agree or disagree with the program and why ? My answer was I disagree because I am a Christian with family valuesbased on the Bible principals. Also the program is toographic.  My personal opinion is parents should be able to opt their children out of the program based on their religious beliefs no matter what religion they belong too.  I would work with student councils to seek a solution but don't forget it is a Provincial Program 


Q5. What is your opinion on student in deciding academic or applied stream ? What do you see school board can do to resolve this gap ? 

Evidence indicates that grade 8 is simply too early to require students to make course decisions that could be potentially binding. It should be delayed until after grade 9. We have to make sure that students and parents understand the difference between academic stream or applied stream before they major decisions which will decide their future.


Q6.  If TDSB specializes school under utilization to larger boundary such as French Immersion, gifted program,  What program do you think TDSB shall specialize ?

When I was a trustee1997-2003 8 schools in my ward were slated for closure two of which were Agincourt Jr. & Henry Kelsey Sr. With the help of the community we were able to keep them all open. If you go to larger boundaries for French a Immersion or Gifted Programs then having to bus students becomes an issue. You are far better to combine these programs in local schools to bust up enrolment and keep that school open.


Q7. Do you think more homework will help student acquiring more & deeper learning ? 

I don't think more homework is the answer. We want students free to enjoy family, friends or participate in sports programs or spend time learning their band instruments.  I think homework should be designed to help students in their weaker subjects. So John might be weak in Math. Jane might be weak in Art So let's make homework a challenge not a burden to students.


Q8. Bully age get younger. What do you see is the real issue ?  What can you do as a trustee on this issue ? 

First make sure handbook is given to every student and explained to students and parents in start of new year inSeptember. Explaining what will not be tolerated and the consequences if you break the rules.  Some suspensions are up to Principal decision all majorsuspension handled by 3 trustees in expulsion hearing. ZERO TOLERANCE. If expulsions are getting out of hand  trustee, superintendent, principal should meet with parent council to come up with a solution. 


Q9. What is your opinion on the Ontario student evaluation ? What do you think can improve the fairness of the current evaluation scheme ? 

Student evaluation has always been a problem. To start with students expect the teacher to treat everyone in the class equally. Teachers then should support students who are  at risk of not graduating. Then parents should makesure they take advantage of parent night and talk with the teacher to see how their children are doing and how can they help bring up the marks. The program allows teachers to evaluate students or classes or even look at school results. 


Q10. College and Univeristy graduate unable to find job they study for.  Do you see Ontario education successful ?  What do you see is the real issue ?   

Finding a job after graduating from University or College in the field they have chosen is a major problem. I know because my granddaughter took 3 different course before finding a the right one.Students have to be more educated as to whether they will find a job waiting when they graduate then make their decision which direction they should take.  There are jobs out like garage mechanics that are looking for help. The government should try to create jobs for our future generation. Did you know it is illegal to pump your own gas in the state of New Jersey? Why ???  It creates jobs. 


Kabirul Mollah


Q1. How do you see the school trustee role to represent constituent ?

Trustees is likely to represent the school board to the public - as opposed to representing the voters who elected them.


Q2. Do you see the value of EQAO exam?  What  change do you propose if any ? 

EQAO results can be very helpful if the information is used for more than just school wide planning. They should be used to differentiate instruction for individual students who are struggling. “If we don’t have the results from individual school testing where is the motivation and pressure to improve? Concerns the heavy focus on numeracy and literacy are negatively impacting the balance of curriculum should need to be revised. Lack of consistency between schools and school boards must be examined. 


Q3. What  is the Maths challenge at school and what do you think can help ?

The math curriculum in Ontario is very flawed. Developing " Culture at Classroom and Practice at Home" would be the effective approach.


Q4. What do you see the main challenge of new sex education curriculum roll out ? What can you do to arbitrate the gap being a school trustee ? 

It's Simply age inappropriate and irrespective in our multi-social settings. I STRONGLY believe in Parents as First and Principal Educators, I am an advocate for "importance of mother language for students success". As a future Trustee I will definitely consult with all of the school councils and ethnic panels to get parents support on my standing against sex-ed curriculum. From their I will make an impact to follow our initiatives among fellow trustees. 


Q5. What is your opinion on student in deciding academic or applied stream ?  What do you see school board can do to resolve this gap ? 

A young person’s emotional, social, and physical development happens at this ages( grade 8- 10). This stage of life is important and we should not forced to decide another vital selection for their educational and career pathways. I think grade 11 would be the suitable, just after their emotional, social, and physical development Trustees bring a range of skills, experience, knowledge, values, beliefs, and opinions to their role. Their background does not necessarily include teaching, administration, or any other aspect of education. This diversity ensures that board processes are democratic and contribute to good decision-making. The board is better able to balance the interests of the broader community and the interests of those involved in the delivery of education. 


Q6. If TDSB specializes school under utilization to larger boundary such as French Immersion, gifted program, What program do you think TDSB shall specialize ?

French immersion.


Q7. Do you think more homework will help student acquiring more & deeper learning ? 

Again Developing " Culture at Classroom and Practice at Home" would be the effective approach. Taught the sample of each type in class should be given to do the similar at least 5-10of those at home. 


Q8. Bully age get younger. What do you see is the real issue ?  What can you do as a trustee on this issue ?

Lack of communication with parents- teachers as well as parents participation, donating time and sense of ownership of a greater family.


Q9. What is your opinion on the Ontario student evaluation ? What do you think can improve the fairness of the current evaluation scheme ?

Subject teacher should be randomly selected from other class for in evaluation period, must consider all areas of study in an equal importance, not only math or literacy. 


Q10. College and Univeristy graduate unable to find job they study for.  Do you see Ontario education successful ?  What do you see is the real issue ?   

Students are rarely failed anymore, so even if they don't know the work, they get pushed on to the next grade, where they fall even further behind. Poor policy for immigrants of different culture and equalization procedure.


Noah Ng


Q1. How do you see the school trustee role to represent constituent ? 

The trustee role is all about representing the community and ensuring that the right issues are being discussed and are relevant to the community’s needs. T he trustee acts as an intermediary between the school board and citizens by helping to translate the policies into working terms and successes for citizens to understand. At t h e  s ame  t i m e , t h e t ru s t e e al so  co n v e ys t he  ci t i z e ns ’ concerns into policy matters. 


Q2. Do you see the value of EQAO exam ?  What  change do you propose if any ? 

Fortunately, our EQAO system is not one that determines the academic path of a student. I think the EQAO was an important step in gaining insight as to exactly how students are doing in the core subjects. With all exams, there can certainly be improvements. Some changes that would be interesting to see are evaluations for team cooperation skills or research skills for higher grades. Another aspect I would add is one that evaluates reasoning skills. These types of skills are increasingly becoming important in the working world and it would be good to assess from an earlier age and track its improvement over time.


Q3. What  is the Maths challenge at school and what do you think can help ? 

I recently read about the cutting edge research done by Dr. Barbara Oakley of Oakland University concerning overcoming learning challenges, especially those in math. Her research states that to overcome math challenges, new and more effective strategies need to be taught to our students. The methods outlined in her work are based on understanding how the mind works. So far, she has had much success in helping students become proficient in math and I think we can do the same for our kids. 


Q4. What do you see the main challenge of new sex education curriculum roll out ? What can you do to arbitrate the gap being a school trustee ? 

As we have seen, the discussion surrounding the new curriculum has been highly charged. The emphasis should be placed on the children’s development by making them aware of these life matters.


Q5. What is your opinion on student in deciding academic or applied stream ?  What do you see school board can do to resolve this gap ?

I think there is a social stigma regarding the two streams, especially that the academic stream should be more desired. At present, we see a pressing need for professionals in the skilled trades and this type of field is just as qualified as other professions, requiring the same amount of dedication, hard work, and rigorous training. It should not be said that students with poor academic abilities are only destined for these roles, this is an old misconception which needs to be addressed. In fact, many university graduates opt to take training in the skilled trades and other professions in addition to their education.  School boards can certainly advocate for a better way of helping students identify which stream is appropriate using a more holistic approach. Using information such as natural talents, abilities, strengths, interests, personality, character, and others in additionto academic ability may indicate what is more appealing and appropriate to the student.


Q6. If TDSB specializes school under utilization to larger boundary such as French Immersion, gifted program, What program do you think TDSB shall specialize ?

I think it should be clarified that the school board is not choosing only one of the options. I believe there will be a mixture of the different programs allocated at different schools according to needs across the board


Q7. Do you think more homework will help student acquiring more & deeper learning ? 

This question has been considered across the spectrum of education professionals worldwide. There are those who consider homework important and those who do not but the matter at its very heart is about effective teaching and learning. I think helping students identify their learning style and needs will help to indicate how to teach them so they can acquire the deep learning that is needed. 


Q8. Bully age get younger. What do you see is the real issue ?  What can you do as a trustee on this issue ?

According to research done by ChildTrends, parenting behaviour and characteristics, child maltreatment, and quantity of media exposure are all factors in the origin of bullying. Having both parents working is becoming the norm in our society and this creates the space for poor behaviours to develop in children that might eventually lead to bullying. As a trustee, I would work to develop programs to educate people on parenting to develop and to encourage parents to spend more time with their children. 


Q9. What is your opinion on the Ontario student evaluation ? What do you think can improve the fairness of the current evaluation scheme ? 

I think it is a good thing that the Ministry of Education is focusing on evaluation initiatives to help our students learn better. The Growing Success report demonstrates the dedication to objectiveness when evaluating students. I  s t r o n g l y  b e l i e v e  i n  o u r  t e a c h e r s ’ professionalism and expertise and that each teacher does not intentionally give poor marks. We need to continue working on removing the stigma of poor marks equalling unworthiness. It is this kind of thought that leads students to avoid seeking help from their teachers. Success can only be gained by learning from mistakes. 


10. College and Univeristy graduate unable to find job they study for.  Do you see Ontario education successful ?  What do you see is the real issue ?   

There will always be room for improvement in any education system. Success is quite subjective and is directly related to the factors are considered most important by the people who are judging the success. I think the fact that numeracy and literacy rates have risen is a positive sign that our students are doing better as a whole.  Job preparedness after undergraduate studies is an important but separate issue. It is one that is considered individually by each establishment. Universities, traditionally, are institutions that further knowledge through teaching and research. It has been asked of universities, whether it should also be their mandate to prepare students for the workplace. The debate is ongoing, however, due to increasing interest many universities continue to expand their career preparation and internship opportunities. Additionally, economic factors play a large part in the dilemma of unemployment amongst graduates


Arjun Sohota


Q1. How do you see the school trustee role to represent constituent ? 

As any public servant, there is a necessity to advocate and work together with all residents whom you are elected to represent, but also necessary to have an understanding of how to effectively advocate. Advocacy in this level is done through policy development. This is why my Strong Schools 2020 strategy was developed by residents, local school staff and local school students. It is also necessary to have a first-hand understanding of issues students face within the school board to target and mitigate or eliminate them. As a former student of the TDSB, specifically Ward 21, I am the only candidate with the needed understanding. 


Q2. Do you see the value of EQAO exam?  What  change do you propose if any ? The EQAO examination provides value for the TDSB and province of Ontario, it provides an immense amount of data regarding student achievement. The value in EQAO is not to determine a single students aptitude or intelligence, but rather for the province asa whole to provide a standardized test to all students, to have a better idea in ways to support student success and teaching. There are various other areas in which EQAO could be improved or added to. However, there is no need to redevelop EQAO itself, but lead change in the province of Ontario to create supplements to EQAO. Strong Schools 2020 specifically focuses on mental health, financial literacy and student leadership for this reason.


Q3. What  is the Maths challenge at school and what do you think can help ? 

The data provided in this example was obtained through EQAO results. This stresses the importance of EQAO, as referred to in the last question. A key to education, and Strong Schools 2020 is, engagement in education. In today’s technological world, students need more engagement in the classroom to be attentive when learning new, challenging concepts. It is seen that when students are engaged in the classroom, even through examples, they will understand and retain more information. Focusing on creating engagement in the classroom is key to students performing better. 


Q4. What do you see the main challenge of new sex education curriculum roll out ?  What can you do to arbitrate the gap being a school trustee ? 

Education for parents is necessary to effectively implement the new sex education curriculum. I fully, wholeheartedly support the need for sex education in the school board, as long as there are no scientific inaccuracies. The simple fact is that we as educators can not assume parents will teach our students at home. As a Trustee, I would be lying if I said I can change curriculum, and anyone who says they will is also lying. We can use engagement data, from implementing Strong Schools 2020 and show engagement data from educators, parents and students from Strong Schools 2020 and from the sex education curriculum, examine the difference, and advocate for further change to make the new curriculum more appropriate in the classroom, if necessary.


Q5. What is your opinion on student in deciding academic or applied stream ?  What do you see school board can do to resolve this gap ? 

As a former student of the board, and a student who has taken applied courses, I do not understand or see the need to bridge the gap. When deciding on courses to enrol in the next year, students, parents and teachers make decisions together, regarding the level of courses appropriate for the student. Students are not forced or put into any streams whichthey do not feel comfortable in. Through abolishing two streams and making one, students will either find work too simple, or difficult. Both of these will lead to a negative outcome in the future. More decisions will always benefit the most amount of students, which is what TDSB Trustees should be doing. 


Q6. If TDSB specializes school under utilization to larger boundary such as French Immersion, gifted program, What program do you think TDSB shall specialize ?

No comment.  Did not understand question.


Q7. Do you think more homework will help student acquiring more & deeper learning ? 

Humans learn through practice and repetition that is a fact and has been studied for years. The addition for more homework however will not benefit students. Students with the need for additional homework are currently dealt with on a case by case basis. Through mandating more homework, the TDSB runs the risk of stressing students and putting them on a route for failure. There are already, on average 50% of students in schools who do not complete homework to the best of their abilities, adding more is only going to make students fall behind, or add more stress. 


Q8. Bully age get younger. What do you see is the real issue ?  

What can you do as a trustee on this issue ? Bullying is a form of discrimination, like any form of discrimination, the root is due to a lack of understanding and a fear of, the other. My Strong Schools 2020 strategy targets this directly through promoting collaboration, teamwork and innovation. Through these three skills, students learn more about one another and work together like they normally would not. As a result of this education of different cultures, the indirect outcomes are anti-racism, equity and acceptance. Strong Schools 2020 is the best way to target bullying inside and outside schools. 


Q9. What is your opinion on the Ontario student evaluation ? What do you think can improve the fairness of the current evaluation scheme ? 

Generally, teachers are fair markers. There is no way to ensure all teachers are equal because of the simple fact that teachers are humans, humans are biased, humans make mistakes, humans are not perfect. However, there are currently measures in place if students feel treated unfairly by staff in one’s school. There is an option for other teachers to grade students work, including school administration. One area of improvement could be to advertise these services to students so they have an understanding they are available, but to irritate this issue, it would mean eliminating human teachers. 


10. College and University graduate unable to find job they study for.  Do you see Ontario education successful ?  What do you see is the real issue ?  

Ontario’s education system, as it stands today is successful in achieving its goal, teaching and enabling a young generation for the global workforce. With all successful practices, there are areas of improvement. Over the past decade, focus has been on academics within our schools. For the next decade, it is essential for us to focus on transferable employment skills to empower our students to become global leaders. Strong Schools 2020 focuses on developing these key transferable skills, and learning about oneself through understanding mental health, financial literacy and gaining valuable leadership skills.


Simone Si 


Q1. How do you see the school trustee role to represent constituent ? 

I believe the school trustee is an important representative to the community. In setting the direction of the board and board budget, the trustee must understand the needs and interests of the community as well as specifically the educational needs of children. The trustee must engage with the community and advocate for the constituents to ensure that all members of the community have a voice. 


Q2. Do you see the value of EQAO exam ?  What  change do you propose if any? 

I do see value in that EQAO scores gauge math and language skills of the general student population and provide a measure of accountability of the schools. However, math and language skills are not the only skills that students need for success.  Furthermore, standardized testing in general does not capture the uniqueness of each student’s learning journey. I agree with the proposal to study other methods of assessing student learning and for schools to demonstrate accountability. Until we can develop a better system, I would maintain the EQAO, as we need some data to gauge the student population and show accountability.


Q3. What  is the Maths challenge at school and what do you think can help ?

We need to examine how we teach problem-solving and critical thinking skills. In my experience many children have difficulty applying one math concept todifferent situations or understanding the relationships between different math concepts. This is not a math problem but rather a wider problem with problem-solving and critical thinking. While grade 3 and grade 6 math scores have fallen, high school math scores have improved. This may speak to a need for more math-specific professional development opportunities for elementary teachers. 


Q4. What do you see the main challenge of new sex education curriculum roll out ? What can you do to arbitrate the gap being a school trustee ? 

I understand parents' concerns that the curriculum was implemented without more opportunities for their input. I also know that many who oppose it have been given misinformation about what is actually in it. I would like to provide forums for the community to askquestions, have their concerns understood and receive correct information in various languages. Children receive unhealthy and incorrect messages about sex all the time from their peers, the media and the internet. Children need factual information from safe adults in their lives such as their teachers and parents. 


Q5. What is your opinion on student in deciding academic or applied stream?  

What do you see school board can do to resolve this gap ? To me we need to further study in the coming years the success and result of these pilot  projects A research project at a C.W. Jefferys Collegiate Institute in North York high school that urged  struggling students to take academic-level courses in Grade 9 English and geography instead of  the lower-level “ applied”  classes — and, in the end, boosted pass rates, stated in a report in 2015. Jefferys Principal Monday Gala said staff got on board with the idea of offering “ inclusive classes,”  and the pass rate for those students was higher in the academic level than it had typically been at the  applied level Grade 8 students must choose applied or academic streams for grade 9 before they even have any experience with high school and are undecided about their career path. Students in the applied stream have fewer options in the future and are less likely to graduate. I will support ending the practice of dividing students in grade 9


Q6. If TDSB specializes school under utilization to larger boundary such as French Immersion, gifted program, What program do you think TDSB shall specialize ?

More studies must be done on the volume of demand for each specialized program before deciding the priority areas. I believe preliminary studies by the TDSB have identified Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, French Immersion, Skilled Trades and the Arts as some of the areas toprioritize. The TDSB have more studies planned and reviews of those results are needed for future planning. 


Q7. Do you think more homework will help student acquiring more & deeper learning ? 

Homework can help students learn more and retain their knowledge through practice. Homework not only teaches academic skills but also time management and work ethics.  However, homework can also be a source of stress especially when there are additional extra-curricular activities. I think parents play an important role in ensuring their children are not overloaded and have balance between other activities and getting their homework completed. Teachers need to take care to stagger out homework as well so that assignments for multiple classes are not all due at the same time. 


Q8. Bully age get younger. What do you see is the real issue ?  What can you do as a trustee on this issue ? 

There isn’t one factor causing bullying. I t’s a very complex problem with multiple sides. Some factors include children being exposed to the glorification of violence and power in the media and on the internet. Other factors can include children not having their emotional needs met or lacking problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts with peers. Trustees can play an important part in promoting education for parents and children in appropriate ways to deal with bullies, encouraging expression of feelings rather than using aggression, emotional-regulation skills, conflict-resolution skills and as well as role-modelling respect in every interaction. 


Q9. What is your opinion on the Ontario student evaluation ?  What do you think can improve the fairness of the current evaluation scheme ? 

Student evaluations are an important part of gauging the s t u d ent s ’ l e a rn i n g . T o  e n su re  t h at  e v a l u at i o n s  a r e  f a i r , there must be clear and consistent criteria that the evaluation is based on. Feedback to students and families must also be continuous and ongoing so that students can be motivated by their achievements and also know long before report card time where they need to make improvements 


Q10. College and University graduate unable to find job they study for.  Do you see Ontario education successful ?  What do you see is the real issue ?   

The lack of jobs for new graduates is a reflection of the economic times. I also wonder about the ethics of post-secondary programs that promote the value of their program, enroll large volumes of students and accept their tuition money while knowing there just are not enough jobs in that particular field. I  don’t necessarily see the high youth unemployment rate as a failure of the public school board. School boards can offer more programs that bridge education and work experience. Schools and families can do more to help students research realistic career paths in in-demand fields. 


Sandeep Srivastava


Q1. How do you see the school trustee role to represent constituent ? 

Trustees Duties: = Carry out his or her responsibilities in a manner that assists the board in fulfilling its duties under the Education Act, and under related regulations and guidelines; - Attend and participate in meetings of the board, including meetings of board committees of which he or she is a member; - Consult with parents, students and supporters of the  board on  the  board’s mu lti -year plan; - Bring concerns of parents, students and supporters of the board to the attention of the board; - Uphold the implementation of any board resolution after it is passed by the board - Entrust the day to day management of the board to  its staff through the board ’s director  o f education; - Maintain focus on student achievement and well-being; - Comply with the board’s code of conduct.


Q2. Do you see the value of EQAO exam ?  What  change do you propose if any ? 

Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) examination is Student Learning Assessment. It is standardized testing. It helps student level, on a class level and on a school level to make improvements.  It is the best way to ensure that schools perform properly and the education system remains accountable. It is important to know how a child is faring in relation to a provincial standard.

In my opinion, each student should have EQAO examination in Grades 3, 5, 8, and 10 in all the areas including Maths, Reading and Writing, Science, Arts, Problem Solving, and leadership. These examination help each students to test their knowledge (Strength and Weaknesses) in each field and also help them to improve their grades or convert weaknesses to strength. It also help students to achieve their career goals. 


Q3. What  is the Maths challenge at school and what do you think can help ? 

I think some of our teacher’s performance are very poor. Individually, they should evaluated in their performance and subject matters. If they are not good, they should not be teaching those subjects. They should be replaced with excellent teacher. All the teachers should be evaluated each semester in every year. It is quit hard for some teachers to teach maths. Teachers don’t know how to solve certain question or explain the answer to their students. For example, in my calculus class, my teacher was unable to explain XYZ axis, they are all 90 degrees to each other. She took three days to explain this to all the students properly. Teacher was not well prepared for our Calculus Class. Mathematics is also hard for some students because they miss the classes and don’t understand the fundamental of maths, formulas and BEDMAS. They need to understand every single topic in each grades. My secret for getting the good grade were I never missed any classes and did my homework each day. I kept motivating myself, “I can do it, it is not hard.”I always had perfect attendance and I was awarded every year. 


Q4. What do you see the main challenge of new sex education curriculum roll out ? What can you do to arbitrate the gap being a school trustee ? 

I am against sex education curriculum for early age because it is against my religion, tradition and all the religious people including spiritual people who follow Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto, Atheism, Taoism Religions.  We must not teach early grades about age-inappropriate topics like masturbation, anal intercourse, oral sex, vaginal lubrication, and the idea that being male  or female is merely a “social construct”. I know it is health related issues and it will prevent our children from HIV Aids, Pregnancy, etc. It is provincial government issues. I can bet absolute religious or traditional parents cannot accept sex education for their children.  I have seen few bad things while I was attending high school. HIV aids was very high topic and few students from grade 9/10 were pregnant. My school principal was great, he brought couple of popular basketball players to share their HIV aids stories. The meeting with popular basketball players was very helpful.  Students are so curious about sex in High School. Some students have sex in high school and become single mother. Some end up with sexual diseases. Some drops out from schools due to all these problems.  In my opinion, we should put all these sex education curriculum in grade 8 instead of early age. It is right age for learning before the high school. It will be very helpful for all the students in high school. 


Q5. What is your opinion on student in deciding academic or applied stream ?  What do you see school board can do to resolve this gap ? 

Both High School Streaming is good but students are not ready to make these decision because lack of education in early grades or not strong enough to make their own decision. In my opinion, there should be three school streaming (Maths, Science and Arts Streaming). Since grade 13 is eliminated from high school and one more year added in bachelor degree in Ontario, students should have option to change the stream. All the university and college admission required certain subjects, should be covered when planning these streams. At current school streaming, we should prepare all our students in early grades with their education stream. So they can identify their strengths and weaknesses. When they reach High School, they can make right decision towards High School’s Academic Stream or Applied Stream. Otherwise, they will be struggling throughout their education and they won’t be able to graduate from high school or reach college/university. We have to keep motivating students in high school so they can finish high school with higher grades. Higher education, money and respect in society always motivate students. 


Q6. If TDSB specializes school under utilization to larger boundary such as French Immersion, gifted program, What program do you think TDSB shall specialize? 

We should have more IB Programs and Arts Program Specialized school. We don’t have many school specialized in these programs. We should introduce some new co-op programs to utilize our school. Introduce more community services in school (We can open day care). 


Q7. Do you think more homework will help student acquiring more & deeper learning ? 

This question has been considered across the spectrum of education professionals worldwide. There are those who consider homework important and those who do not but the matter at its very heart is about effective teaching and learning. I think helping students identify their learning style and needs will help to indicate how to teach them so they can acquire the deep learning that is needed. 


Q8. Bully age get younger. What do you see is the real issue ?  What can you do as a trustee on this issue ? 

Teachers in early grades do not cover all the topics. They skip certain topics and take the short cut to teach their students. Teachers hardly give lots of homework. If they teach every single topic and give more homework to students. Student’s knowledge will improve academically. Students will spend less time in Entertainments like watching Television/Movies, surfing internet, playing video games, etc. There will be more family interaction dealing with daily homework. Knowledge is Power, Power is Education. Students learn from both teachers and parents


Q9. What is your opinion on the Ontario student evaluation ? What do you think can improve the fairness of the current evaluation scheme ? 

Evaluation is good for student if teachers do proper evaluation. But some teachers don’t do proper job because they do n’t want their  class average grade go down. In my opinion, there should be more things added in student evaluation sheet in order to track  down the teacher ’s  performance .


Q10. College and University graduate unable to find job they study for.  Do you see Ontario education successful ?  What do you see is the real issue ?  

I  d o n ’t  t h i n k  O n t a r i o  E d u c a t i o n  i s  s u c c e s s f u l . I t  is  not helping half of graduated students to find the right job. These days, most employers in Ontario hire employees on Contract Basis and use them as they needed. Local graduated students (Who does not have any experience) look for higher wages to pay their debt or student loans and new immigrated person/unemployed person look for low wages to survive or start a new life in Ontario. Guess, who gets the job? No Right Jobs for New Graduate. How can we fix this issue? Well, there are not enough co-op programs in High Schools or Universities or Colleges. We need to create more co-op programs in high school, university and college. This way, students can work, have experience in their own field while attending school. By the time they graduate, they will have jobs in their hands.

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