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有人在温哥华向叙利亚难民喷胡椒喷雾 总理杜鲁多移民难民公民部长麦家廉温哥华市长罗品信齐谴责

来源:贴心姐妹网   更新:2016-01-09 19:26:06   作者:贴心姐妹网


这些叙利亚难民昨晚到加拿大穆斯林协会中心(Muslim Association of Canada Centre)参加欢迎他们的活动。约100人站在中心外面时,一个骑自行车的人向人群喷胡椒喷雾,这群人中包括最近抵达加拿大的叙利亚难民。


温哥华警察总长Adam Palmer 说,对叙利亚难民的攻击是仇恨罪行,呼吁攻击者自首。








“I was appalled when I heard of last night’s incident outside the Muslim Association of Canada Centre in Vancouver, in which an unknown assailant pepper sprayed a group of Syrian refugees. Paramedics treated more than two dozen men, women and children for exposure to the noxious substance. 

That the group was there to attend an event welcoming them to Canada only makes this attack even more infuriating and reprehensible.

Canadians know that this incident is an affront to our values as a nation, and is at odds with the overwhelmingly positive welcome that Syrian refugees have received in communities across our country.

I am sure that welcoming community spirit will endure, and will grow even stronger in the wake of this disturbing crime. I would also like to assure recently arrived Syrian refugees that those who gathered last night to support and welcome them embody the Canadian spirit. This attack in no way represents their new home.

As Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, I wish all of the victims of last night’s attack a quick recovery, and I look forward to our police and legal system bringing the perpetrator to justice.”

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