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来源:多伦多市政府   更新:2015-10-24 05:31:45   作者:多伦多市政府

The City of Toronto and Spacing Magazine are holding a photography contest to showcase elements that make up a complete street. The City invites submissions and Facebook voting for the Complete Streets Photo Contest until October 31. 

The term "complete streets" refers to streets designed to be safe for all users, including people who walk, bicycle, take transit or drive, and people of varying ages and other characteristics such as walking speed. Complete streets also give consideration to other uses of streets, such as sidewalk cafés, street furniture (benches, garbage/recycling bins and transit shelters), trees, utilities and stormwater management. 

Photos taken on any street – not limited to Toronto or even Canadian locations – can be submitted using Instagram and Twitter (with the hashtag #TOCompleteStreets in the description), or uploaded to the contest web page, or emailed to completestreets@toronto.ca. Facebook users can vote for their favourites as displayed in an online photo gallery until the end of October, resulting in popular winners in this first phase of the contest. 

In the contest's second phase, in November, an expert panel will shortlist its choice of photos and the public will be invited to vote for their favourites. Prizes will include a vanity City of Toronto street sign, gift certificates for the Spacing Store and subscriptions to Spacing magazine. 

The goal of the photo contest is to raise awareness of the complete streets approach and guidelines the City is developing to ensure social, economic and environmental priorities are integrated in street planning and design. The City engaged stakeholders and the general public on the initiative's guiding principles in the spring, and there will be more public events on complete streets design early in the new year. 

The public can join the conversation online using the hashtag #TOCompleteStreets. More information about the photo contest and the complete streets project is available at toronto.ca/completestreets. 

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