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达尔豪斯大学委派的专责小组就牙科系男生网上侮辱女生事件发表报告 说牙科系存在歧视文化

来源:贴心姐妹网    更新:2015-06-30 11:54:53   作者:贴心姐妹网
达尔豪斯大学(Dalhousie University)委派的专责小组周一就13名牙科男生在脸书发表仇视女生和性侵言论事件发表报告,说牙科系有不少性别歧视、仇视女性、反同性恋和种族歧视事件。
报告说,这些在脸书上发表侮辱女生言论的男生被停止实习两个月。他们参与了修复性正义(Restorative Justice)程序,如今已毕业,但颁发牙医牌照的机构会仔细审阅他们的申请,他们的职业前景仍不明朗。
In December 2014, it came to light that a significant number of male fourth-year students in Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Dentistry had posted sexist, misogynist, and homophobic remarks and images on Facebook. Some of the posts focused on their female classmates, using derogatory, demeaning, and sexually violent terms.
A group of dental students had formed a male-only Facebook group in their first year at the dental school. It remained a closed group, with membership by invitation only. One member showed a highly disturbing post to classmate because she was one of the female dental students mentioned in it by name. He let her take a screenshot of the post on his computer.
The young woman contacted University authorities, intending to lodge a complaint. She also showed the screenshot to other women named in the post. Meanwhile, the University tried to contain the crisis within its walls usin its own policies.
Within a week, someone had leaked more than 50 screenshots of the Facebook group to the press. Shocking, nauseating, and deeply unsettling, the content and speculation about what it meant dominated the new for weeks. And there were other troubling revelations. For years, dental students had been adding layers of sexist, misogynistic, homophobic graffiti to the wall behind the bar in “The Cavity,” a dental students’ lounge. Requests to have it painted over had been brushed aside. Female dental students had complained to authorities about some professors’ behaviour in class and were never told what action the Faculty or University took, if any.
The Faculty of Dentistry and the University came under heavy fire as traumatized students, worried parents, and an outraged public demanded action, demanded names, demanded expulsions and resignations, and above all, demanded answers.
Many others called the furore a tempest in a teacup—the Facebook posts were just locker-room talk that meant nothing. Voices were raised in variations on the “boys will be boys” theme. But it soon became clear that the Facebook posts, and the institutional response to them, did real and lasting harm.
Before the school year came to an end, 13 Facebook posters had been suspended for two months from working in the dental clinic, putting their ability to graduate in jeopardy. Twelve had spent over 150 hours in an array of sessions with facilitators, faculty members, and experts as part of a restorative justice process. A large number of their classmates, both female and male, had joined them. They preferred to give the 12 a chance to learn from their actions rather than see angry men leave without graduating. In the end, all of the Facebook posters graduated. But with licensing bodies reviewing their applications very closely, their professional future remains uncertain.
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