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来源:各报社论   更新:2015-04-03 20:48:28   作者:社论

《多伦多星报》社论:哈珀的孤独之战(Stephen Harper’s lonely war)

"While the direct threat to Canada is overblown, he (Prime Minister Stephen Harper) no doubt hopes this will help position his Tories as forceful defenders of the national interest in the coming federal election."

"Canadians are being press-ganged into what Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau sees as an “unfocused, unending” tour of duty in an unstable region plagued by civil war and jihadism."
《环球邮报〉社论:为什么加拿大(军队)在伊拉克但应该远离叙利亚(Why Canada is in Iraq – and should stay out of Syria)
"But the logic behind the Harper government’s Syrian plan has gaps, inconsistencies and blind spots. And that’s why the plan for limited Canadian military action and assistance in Iraq makes sense – while a plan to expand the mission to Syria does not."
"The thin link to terrorism in Canada: Mr. Harper has repeatedly tried to closely tie ISIS to the terrorist threat in Canada. The truth is that the same nihilistic ideology may motivate both. But so far, the actual connections are thin to non-existent."
《国家邮报》社论:加拿大针对伊斯兰国的战斗任务值得延长(Canada’s fight against ISIS is a mission worth extending)
"If anything, ISIS has become even more barbaric and threatening since. But preventing a humanitarian catastrophe was only part of the case for military action."
"It is true that other nations, such as Ireland or Poland, have contributed to the mission in non-military ways. But, well, Canada is not Ireland. Leaving the fighting to others is not what we do; it is not who we are. When the cause is just, this country answers the call — as we will and must in the current conflict. There is hard work to be done in Iraq and Syria, but it is work worth doing."
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