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延长军队战斗任务议题(二) 观点:我们政府相信我们必须保护加拿大人令其避免遭受国内外恐怖主义的威胁

来源:总理办公室   更新:2015-04-03 09:03:46   作者:哈珀 总理
Prime Minister Stephen Harper issued the following statement following the passage of a motion in the House of Commons to extend and expand Canada’s mission to counter the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL):
“Our Government believes that we must act to protect Canadians against the threat of terrorism at home and abroad.
“As a result of ISIL’s specific threats against Canada and Canadians, our Government has worked closely for the past six months as part of a broad international Coalition, including our closest allies, to help degrade and disrupt ISIL’s ability to inflict harm.
“While the Coalition has succeeded in stopping ISIL’s territorial spread, the global threat that ISIL poses remains. In particular, we cannot stand on the sidelines while ISIL continues to promote terrorism in Canada as well as against our allies and partners, nor can we allow ISIL to have a safe haven in Syria.
“That is why I am pleased that the House of Commons has passed a motion supporting the Government’s decision to extend and expand Canada’s military mission against ISIL for up to 12 months.
“The mission will remain focused on targeting ISIL from the air and advising and assisting Iraqi Forces to fight ISIL more effectively on the ground.
“This mission by our Canadian Armed Forces is complemented by significant humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering this terrorist group is inflicting on innocent civilians – including women, children and vulnerable religious and ethnic minorities.
“On behalf of all Canadians, I offer our nation’s profound gratitude and unequivocal support to all members of the Canadian Armed Forces engaged in Operation IMPACT and to their families. We are honoured by their service, sacrifice and bravery.”
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